
i see that only @avclub-7706d2dc2da6837340effd985dc620b6:disqus stridently mentioned the motorcycle stunt. and only the coup d'grace part. that whole staging and choreography just sent me for an adrenaline loop. coupled with the warehouse scene, i bled tears of excited joy. at the time, i did see this in theaters, i

[unsolicited advice alert] mmm. i'd suggest edibles. they feel as though they last longer and bring on the sensation of a deeper trip. just sayin'. and, if you haven't seen it, le quattro volte is a nipply flick - like awesome c-cups, i'd say.

the great and powerful oz asks kindly that you do not look behind the curtain.

the shit's lightning fast, bro - and everywhere! don't you get it?

oh yeah. saw it in theaters. creeped me out something bad.  just felt all kinds of discomfort during and after. definitely not a movie i'm going to go back to "see" what mike white was doing there.

thor's day

from the files of tangentially related….

from the pages of looks like but isn't…..re "jaws-themed corset". dang, donatella finally got some good work done. i rilly must get the number of that time machine operator cum plastic surgeon. s/he rilly takes the years off.

i like your style, @avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus .

why isn't a new frontline review up? the whole #afternewton series of programs is riveting. man, and the episode of nova last night humbled me so much. i sincerely hope my child hasn't any of the bad wiring, cos i sure have some.

And if you think we gonna to bury you with them diamonds and shit on, you've got another thing coming.

my guffaw moment was principally, "what?!? i think this thing is rigged. i mean, i put my name in there four times." oh yeah, and sue's rapid-fire speech to her pal was some great comedic acting skill display.

damn! me too! bought! actually bought bananamour!  and got a hold of the unfairground a short while later. the guy lived his live, richly.

i'ma gonna coin this zeitgeist as "back to the grave".

mmm fantasy. then, the interviewer could ask about the drowning pool. and that would elicit a gateway to geekery for ross macdonald. also, a quiz about the drowning pool would make a strong case for looking into the works of stuart rosenberg who directed another great gumshoe film adaptation of the laughing policeman.

you saw the future! and so did i!

like a chi coltrane song.

yeah, the rape cut-up in the knack… is quite shocking then funny. petulia reminded you of point blank because it's all late 60s san francisco, right? man, richard chamberlain is such a prick in that movie.

i've gotta bitter little maxim i like to repeat when work-life balance skews to work. you may remember its rhythm from an 80s era advertisement to join the navy: it's not just a job. it's an indenture.

wotan's day
tried and failed to complete a watching of rabid. nice story cobbled together in early cronenberg style. nice bewbs on marilyn chambers, who really sold the fuzzed-out animal urge in the early scenes i viewed. ultimately, too slow for me when i have dumpster load of other responsibilities. i abandoned it