The Chicken Runs At Midnight

A depressingly high number of people, including many people who don't think for themselves. You know this.

I prefer Remains myself as well. But I think that's because I saw it first, when I was a kid as opposed to Howards End which I didn't watch until my early 20s. It's one of my dad's favorite movies, and growing up, in my head it was always like the example of what a grand, "classy" movie was supposed to be since seeing

That's The Remains of the Day, a different Merchant-Ivory production with Hopkins and Thompson. Both are excellent, but Howards End is generally considered the better of the two.
Apologies if you were intentionally confusing the two for a joke.

They were definitely both in Platoon, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was something else as well.

Ah, but Steven Bauer is a stage name. He was born Esteban Echevarria (my dad's name is Esteban, and he also often goes by "Steve" for the benefit of gringos), and to my siblings and I, lucky enough to grow up with ¿Qué Pasa, USA?, the Miami sitcom he got his start on, he will always be…Rocky Echevarria.

This seems pretty wrongheaded to me. Scorsese in particular, he of the World Cinema Project, doesn't seem like the right target to blast for being unaware of a greater diversity in movies.
I think his point is simpler, and accurate. I'm 32, and I'm a lifelong comic book geek and often enjoy comic book movies. I'm also

Well, some people, me included, see the real tragedy being that he was elected in the first place. Whatever happens over the next four years, if he survives…who the fuck knows. But that the country is this stupid, this soon, is disheartening. This year also saw the greatest mass shooting in U.S. history. And just an

About the ox?

Yes, she did. Direct quote: "Anyway - hope this helps! We can totally email and we can be private!" I'd recommend reading the body of their exchanges, it's a pretty quick read.

If you read the article on Vulture with their full exchange, it does become apparent that Cho was the incorrect one inasmuch as she lied about the nature and the content of their exchange. Maybe just to make the story on the podcast better, maybe to make herself seem better, who the fuck knows. But she grossly,

(Apologies for this not being a reply; Disqus doesn't seem to be letting me reply to comments.)
The stories themselves are currently being reprinted in affordable volumes within the larger framework of The Don Rosa Library. The Life and Times stories begin in Volume 4 of

I'm a huge Marlins fan, and Cuban. I've spent a good portion of the day weeping. Hell, a clip of Rich Waltz I saw live earlier is playing now, and just hearing his voice crack is making me lose it again.
No obituary being on here is ok. This is a pop culture website, and Arnold Palmer had a huge presence in pop

One thing, and unfortunately I'm at work and can't confirm this right now, but I don't believe Kareem was ever nicknamed "the Dream." That was Hakeem "the Dream" Olajuwon. Hakeem was born Muslim in I believe Nigeria, and eventually became a U.S. citizen and won a gold medal at the Olympics for Team USA. He's also

Even assuming those 25 other people actually were appreciative, what gives you the right to ruin the experience for the other 5? I mean, even with something like the National Treasure movies which I've never seen and don't intend to, you behave like a fucking adult and keep quiet at the movies for the benefit of those

And isn't Jackson kinda full of shit, since Sean Fucking Connery was offered Gandalf and famously turned it down, not knowing it would've eventually made him over $400 million?

You know, the exclamation points weren't a Stan Lee thing. All comics of the period, and that before the "Marvel Age", would end their sentences with either an exclamation point or a question mark, because periods wouldn't be visible given the shoddy printing of the day. This is the case whether it was Lee or Carl

That was just the way your school handled it. I went to Catholic school, and we were told right away. We saw the second plane hit live. And we watched the news all day (I miss Peter Jennings) before being let out early. And this was in Miami, it's not like they only did so because the attacks were in our area and we

Inle already said exactly what I felt, but I'll add this because you really can't get enough gratitude here: your writing on Lost and Fringe were integral to my enjoyment of both shows and I'll always think of it when I rewatch them, and your taste in comics is a huge part of why you're my favorite writer/critic, here

Yes. "But “Mecha-Streisand” is an entire episode driven by an idea that I don’t quite understand, which is that it would be a good and noble thing to spend half an hour of TV time trying to hurt Barbra Streisand’s feelings." From one of the commenters on that review: "I have never, ever complained about any reviewer

Yes. "But “Mecha-Streisand” is an entire episode driven by an idea that I don’t quite understand, which is that it would be a good and noble thing to spend half an hour of TV time trying to hurt Barbra Streisand’s feelings." From one of the commenters on that review: "I have never, ever complained about any reviewer