
I liked this one a lot. I think this show is getting good fast, considering that it's the first Marc has ever acted in anything and the first he's written anything that wasn't a book or stand-up set.

FUCK I thought debut single meant they were going to release a new single in addition to their tour fuck

Also, differentiating a time jump by using facial hair is a trope that kind of grates on me a bit. The Battlestar Galactica time skip was the most hilarious example of this. One of the characters is fat now, everyone has beards. I bet they even thought about giving Roslin a beard.

I thought Morpheus' facial hair in the flashback scenes was an odd choice, though, 'cause to me it just made him look older

So, so in love with this series.

The first 3 were available on demand for a while. Next week we'll get episode 3, I believe.

This came out of nowhere but what a fantastic fucking show. I can't remember the last time I was this invested after only a handful of episodes.

Some classic Ebert snark, for commemoration:

David Simon is starting to pull a Spike Lee for me. Love the shit they create, not a fan of the dudes themselves

The title is a pretty big blunder. "John Carter" isn't the sort of thing you call a movie that you are hoping will draw in blockbuster cash

On the X-Files: check out the season 6 episode "Drive." It's a great standalone episode, and it's written by Vince Gilligan and stars Bryan Cranston. It's basically what got Cranston selected to be on Breaking Bad.

Yeah, certainly not the best overall, but it had its moments

No way, man. Bubbles is the best. The only character that is a weak link in The Wire is Brother Mouzone. Fuck Brother Mouzone.

Seriously, man, my heart briefly stops pumping any time I read those words arranged together in a sentence

This show is the first time I have ever watched something solely because I find one of the starring cast attractive. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN I NEVER WANTED TO BE THAT GUY

Is there anyone left out there who still thinks Frank Miller is relevant at all?

It is also leads to one of my favorite jokes in the coming seasons — George and Jerry grieving over the death of Spock right after callously showing little concern over Susan

I can at least deal with watching B-/C+ episodes of this show as long as Kat Dennings keeps wearing that outfit