
Assuming they're relatively cheap to produce in bulk, I don't think $20-25 is that unreasonable for a band shirt.

… is he? I seriously doubt they're each getting $50 mil.

Me too! I actually bought that Oz could be super-attracted to her as a fellow musician. Even moreso than as a fellow werewolf.

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus It shouldn't really matter, but Lana Del Rey definitely got lip implants and a nose job. She was performing and releasing music under her original name at the time, so there are lots of before pictures out there:

A bit old now, but the X-Men movies had female characters who were about as well developed as their male counterparts. Rachel Dawes was given plenty to do in The Dark Knight, even though I doubt she passes the Bechdel test (and she got shoved into a fridge as soon as she started showing signs of being an interesting

There's a kind of sad-though-also-awesome interview with Greer from last year, where she said "I'm constantly getting asked by people on the
street: 'How come you don't want to star in movies?' And I'm like,"Really? Why
would I not want to star in a movie! People ask me that as if I'm
turning them down."

Yeah, I don't read homophobia into it - there's some misogyny, maybe, but it really reads to me as "I'd rather be serviced than be a servant".

@avclub-db28507034068ea227ef2f0ae9e633d0:disqus  But what would they even do if it turned out Charles wasn't Harry's father? It would be much too embarrassing to publicly disown him, and terrible PR for the royal family to drag Diana's name through the mud.

As the only kid in my class with a single parent, I definitely always felt weirdly ashamed of my home. Like I knew it must be weird and wrong in some way or another. I knew that everybody else was normal and I was weird, so I guess I subconsciously read our differences as faults. Everybody else's houses always seemed

He (or she, but let's face it, he)

Very late to the thread, but I finally saw the movie last night and I didn't even like it much, but that last shot made me cry, in that too-filled-with-feelings way. It was incredibly powerful.

I think there's a decent chance the charges would have gone nowhere in court if Assange hadn't had enemies in the government and the international community. But I don't think that means the charges are unfounded. The problem there is that allegations of sexual abuse are so rarely properly prosecuted.

@Dedalus44:disqus See my reply to Killbot5000. There was a police report, and the incident is briefly mentioned on his Wikipedia.

Yeah, that's a thing that always bothers me in take-downs of the HDM books - they can't kill God: there is no God.

That would actually be a great reversal. Danny gets to Westeros, and all the peasants are over this shit. Sic semper tyrannis!

Well put.

I don't know, I haven't seen anything I'd call 'backlash'. A couple of bad reviews on imdb maybe, but even a lot of those are more focused on the zombies being too scary. It made over $100m and was nominated for an Oscar, so I think it did pretty okay for a mildly unconventional kid's movie.

Mm, Maxinquaye.

Modern pop stars are pretty implicit in that situation, though. Rihanna is the most obvious one I can think of. She doesn't even write her own songs, but they're clearly chosen with the narrative of her personal life in mind. Modern pop music is very much about the intertwining of persona and music, and not entirely