
But that's the thing, half of these people are retired from acting or music and dedicating themselves to writing. Or they were already writers in different formats (Hugh Laurie, for example). Most books by celebrities are ghost-written, but these particular examples are unlikely candidates - they aren't names with a

I think this inventory was a collection of people genuinely believed to have written their own books, thus the exclusion of Snooki, The Situation, et al.

I imagine it goes in hand with the concept of Dunbar's number (or the "monkeysphere"). People can only really process the existence of something like 150 people, and it's incredibly hard to genuinely empathise with anyone outside of that core 'tribe'. Your brain has trouble even thinking of them as human, they're more

"bringing statistics into the process might actually improve the diversity of movies a little bit".

"Imagination ^Profit is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

So I take it you're not a regular at the local gay bar?

@avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus I would have taken so many drugs in high school if only someone had offered them to me.

Can I have it both ways? I don't think it's his fault that these people relapsed and died, but I also think by paying them to be publicly humiliated he took advantage of them for the sake of his own career, and that this form of treatment most likely hurt them more than it helped them.

Yeah, well I've seen it so may times I can correct you - that gag was from the first one.

Ohhh, I thought we were accusing him of being a Tory.

You see that so often, I genuinely can't understand how it happens to all these otherwise talented and attractive actors. Is it just bad luck? A luck of impulse control when it comes to accepting scripts? Illiteracy?

I'm pretty sure I was playing Oh Perilous World! by Rasputina on repeat.

Well, she's still getting A-list parts. She's just long past deserving them.

@avclub-ef062084a1c4a3584af1d4f8e514ea50:disqus Thanks! I'm sure I would have noticed the update eventually, but it's nice to have all of my anxieties soothed a little sooner.

I think I've seen Keith mention somewhere (tumblr? twitter?) that there's some sort of editorial change in the winds, and he didn't feel like he could stay. It's all very ominous.

I was astonished to see it was so close - are there really people who like Zach Braff? His last couple of movies were huge flops, so you'd think the answer would be "Who? Oh, that guy. Um, Scrubs was pretty good."

Yes, yes and yes.

I think it's because he's just pumping out the books now - he's released a novel a year pretty much since Fight Club. None of those books has been anywhere near as well-realised or polished
as Fight Club, which I assume
he spent more than a year on. Most of them have a couple of great lines, the seed of a good idea,

Also, Jenny is always shown to be a fundamentally good person, regardless of her drug use and promiscuity, which mostly seem bad because they do not make her happy. I really never read the ending as any kind of punishment, because there was nothing to punish.