you never went to college

So sorry for Patton and his daughter. I don't know how I would keep it together if I lost my beautiful wife. He has made me laugh so many times- wish we could help him now!! So sorry- just so sorry!

It is just! so! Good!!
Everything feels earned. I dont by into the whole DC vs Marvel thing but after seeing them both- Marvel introduce characters correctly, emotions feel real and it is just so much fun- they dominated DC and showed them how it should be done! I dont know why I laughed as loud as I did at the Falcon/

Have to disagree with review. It came out in Australia last week and I have seen it twice - it is just great fun!!! If transformers movies are a 1 (which they are) and Fast and furious are a big dumb 8 (which they are in all their glory) This is a solid 9/10. From the opening seconds- a good time had by all. If you