
It wasn't omitted. They had George-Michael get up to start one with the 'block block' sound. But then they stopped before going through with it.

Did nobody except me notice the rather subtle hints that she might actually be a dude. Or might be a chick that is transitioning? 
There was a part where she said, "Even though I have a d…" and then I think she said, "Drug addiction" or "Drug problem" or something like that. But it started to sound like, "Dick".

This is actually to ConstipatedDuck, but it won't let me reply to him:
I disagree. I think AD is one of the few shows I watched and thought was good, but not spectacular or anything through the first three to five episodes or show (outside Top Banana which was an instant classic) because there were way too many things

I'm applauding. In slow-clap fashion.

Why? He gave it a B. Considering everything, that's pretty damn impressive.

I can't reply to your reply, so I'll do it here: That's fair, not finding it as funny. But that's also super subjective, and I think not being as funny as the first three seasons has about as little weight as far as "insults" go that I can possibly imagine. "You're not as smart as Hawking!" - as it were. Anyways, I

We can only hope.

For basically all comedies, isn't the whole thing, "Yay more of these people doing things that are funny!" As long as they deliver funny things in an interesting way, isn't that the entire point? I mean, did 30 Rock ever have a point other than "Yay! More 30 Rock!"?

Except that the large majority of the time American Dad is a terrible, terrible show.

@CriticalCynic: I think you're reading a bit too much into it. I mean, if Pierce woke up in the hospital that day, all he has to do is pay someone to fetch the stuff from his house. He could have called Abed to ask him to film the documentary and Abed could have just grabbed Pavel and Garrett. I mean, sure, it's a big

See, I don't really get this. In what universe do people not talk about how they're feeling? Community does plenty of showing, you see exactly how the characters are feeling by their expressions and attitudes, and then they, like normal, human friends, talk about about and attempt to help each other fix the problem.

That's probably a good thing isn't it? I don't think the Cave of Frozen Memories was supposed to be entirely hilarious. That was where the majority of the sad stuff took place. It had jokes in there, but it wasn't the usual ten-jokes-a-second Community. So… unless Always Sunny was just awful, you should have laughed

You're super chatty today Todd!