
I understand that a lot of people don't like Uncle Jack, but the way he just screams out "PRETTY!" while sitting on the railing cracks me up every time.

I understand that a lot of people don't like Uncle Jack, but the way he just screams out "PRETTY!" while sitting on the railing cracks me up every time.

George Michael Bluth is a cool guy!

George Michael Bluth is a cool guy!

The first time I saw that (ON TV!  Yes, I was one of the 7 people who watched Arrested Development on TV!  Yes, I'm aware how much hipster is loaded in that sentence!) was one of the funniest moments in my life.  Like, crying can't breathe laughing.  The music and Will Arnet on the verge of tears are just so perfect.

The first time I saw that (ON TV!  Yes, I was one of the 7 people who watched Arrested Development on TV!  Yes, I'm aware how much hipster is loaded in that sentence!) was one of the funniest moments in my life.  Like, crying can't breathe laughing.  The music and Will Arnet on the verge of tears are just so perfect.

I know a lot of people are downtrodden because of the reviews. I just want to reassure you, if you're hyped on this movie either because you're a fan of the first two movies, or a fan of Batman in general, or a fan of Christopher Nolan, or a fan of comic book movies, or action movies, or epic movie-making then there

I know a lot of people are downtrodden because of the reviews. I just want to reassure you, if you're hyped on this movie either because you're a fan of the first two movies, or a fan of Batman in general, or a fan of Christopher Nolan, or a fan of comic book movies, or action movies, or epic movie-making then there

I know, and i personally agree with you on this for the very reasons you describe.  But, I dunno, I guess i've grown to feel uncomfortable telling people that they're experience is wrong in some way.  I know people who still listen to cassettes because they feel the "noise" adds to the atmosphere of a song, when, for

I know, and i personally agree with you on this for the very reasons you describe.  But, I dunno, I guess i've grown to feel uncomfortable telling people that they're experience is wrong in some way.  I know people who still listen to cassettes because they feel the "noise" adds to the atmosphere of a song, when, for

I think the article has a valid point, but ultimately I disagree with it.  I remember some years back I got mad at a friend because they chose to watch a movie (Howl's Moving Castle) on youtube.  She told me she didn't like it and I was like "Of course you didn't like it!  You watched it on youtube!"  Now, I didn't

I think the article has a valid point, but ultimately I disagree with it.  I remember some years back I got mad at a friend because they chose to watch a movie (Howl's Moving Castle) on youtube.  She told me she didn't like it and I was like "Of course you didn't like it!  You watched it on youtube!"  Now, I didn't

Yeah because the first three were done by the same director and all three are exactly the same movie.  Idiot

I was one of Dexter's apologists last season.  Week after week, people talked about how horrible it was and I always defended it "It's weaker than previous seasons, i admit, but it's still a good show!"  This season was weak at first but it DID got better for a bit IMO, but soon completely went off the rails.  The

Really?  I mean, I thought it was suspicious that Matthews and Laguerta were so gung-ho on moving on from that crime, but I chalked it up to typical cop-show, administrative BS "ALL THAT MATTERS IS THE CLEARANCE RATE."

I'm surprised no one (including the review) has mentioned the connection with Matthews and the girl that was murdered.  I'll admit, that was the only time this season i actually gasped, considering it came out of nowhere, but I'm also not surprised that no one even cares.  That's how bad this season has gotten,

I would say that working in either genre has its own challenges and it's difficult to say which is harder. "The Wire" may have resonated with people because of it's realism, true, but that's not to say that something in the Fantasy genre absolutely CAN'T match that level of resonance. I think that's a rather limited

This might be the shows biggest, most glaring flaw at this point. If the first season is huge, and it's certainly on track to be, the next season might give us the scale of battle we're hoping for. At least the action we DO see is still excellent, so it's tough to complain.

Isn't getting pissed off when the screen goes to black kind of a standard thing with TV nowadays? When Lost was huge, my friends always, ALWAYS groaned and complained when the show's title came up at the end. Ditto, watching "Breaking Bad" and that's when we watch it on Blu-ray! They don't have to wait another week

Great television
Even before Ned's death, Game of Thrones was on track for being one of the most audacious and ambitious of television programs. The sheer amount of information we get per episode is an accomplishment in itself, but they always manage to thrown in some action and even frank sexuality. Each episode is