
"You could describe my knowledge of the gradations of the Christian afterlife mythology as “under-informed” (if you wanted to be nice about it), but I had this vague idea that Purgatory was mostly boring, a sort of waiting area where people who hadn’t committed any mortal sins but who had too many unpaid library fines

"You could describe my knowledge of the gradations of the Christian afterlife mythology as “under-informed” (if you wanted to be nice about it), but I had this vague idea that Purgatory was mostly boring, a sort of waiting area where people who hadn’t committed any mortal sins but who had too many unpaid library fines

Late to the party (having caught up via netflix) but, Wow! Great episode. Having watched until the end of season 7 I can say that I think it would have been great to end the series here (although I think there are some really good episodes in season 6 and 7). I would have only change one thing, either not have weird