Peaceful Butch

Murder Boners
An absolutely perfect counterpart to the fear boner, no? Clearly, The League is dedicated to cataloging all of the various ways both perpetrators and victims of violent crimes can experience tumescence as a result.

I disagree, Ack Ack. This sounds exactly like a CBS show to me. Don't badmouth TNT, because if the incessant fucking commercials during every basketball game have taught me anything, it's that TNT knows drama, and bad casting.

But the robot always wears shoulder pads for some inexplicable reason. Seriously, about the only additional protection offered to a robot from shoulder pads is against heat issues.

It's Tomorrow Never Knows, and any one who disputes this point barely merits inclusion amongst the human race.

I love that ad. Especially when the party DJ has the effrontery to look offended when Dre tells him to step aside. Motherfucker, that's the motherfuckin' D-R-E. If he wants the turntables, he gets the turntables.

It may seem obvious
But Jimi Hendrix still had a lot of interesting music left in him.

Jesus fuck really? I mean, Siamese Dream is a tolerable enough album and all, but better than Nevermind? Leave aside Smells Like Teen Spirit for a moment (the best guitar riff since at least How Soon is Now), just so the comparison isn't facially ludicrous. Also, leave aside that Nirvana succeeded in universalizing
