

Mate, if I posted every time that happened, about 40% of the Web would be my copyright.

It was a full 16 years ago that a gay kiss was considered controversial on UK TV: http://www.youtube.com/watc…. I just remember hearing loads about the apparently inflammatory ad before seeing it and thinking "As a 14-year-old who has never seen two men kiss before, that's the most cursory little peck I've ever seen."

Even Cowgirls Get The Pink

Look, of COURSE the lesbians can fly Southwest. They just have to sit at the back with the blacks and the gypsies.

For most foreigners, twitchy, overconfident dictators making ill-informed judgment calls in airports is their enduring memory of the USA.

How much fu-oh forget it…

Teh pigeon?

@avclub-52ed1f89cb6f846e8efba0e4eacf9c27:disqus : have you ever heard of a thing called heavy metal?

I sometimes wonder whether they just re-release albums like this to give the likes of Rolling Stone something to do.

Can someone please tell us cube-dwellers what's behind that link?

No, they hate the blacks too.

Come to that, he sounds like the sort of guy who would have his own gimmick poster.

Well, being nailed to the kitchen floor with a flimsy vegetable knife ain't all that, but then it's not as bad as it looks.

OMG that give me the greatest idea for a horror movie. It's like torture porn except the victim is somehow forced to mutilate… themself. I know - layers, right?

"Why wasn't there any *serious* diplomatic pressure applied to the Iranians?"

I do want to see that, but I also want there to be a version with "Everybody Hurts" playing over the exact same footage, to be played at screenings of I Don't Know How She Does It.

I was about to post a message asking Sean not to juxtapose the words "cum" and "torture porn" again, but clearly I'm in a minority here. As you were.