Staff Sergeant Max Fightmaster

That's where the sonofabitch was from. That was bothering me the whole episode. Thanks.

I think maybe Wacoshade was referring to Jax and Tara banging on the bed while the hole in Cohn's head leaked blood mere feet from them.

I know that this has likely been discussed to death in the comments for other episodes.

@ 7 feet of spoiler

Um…Stannis didn't kill Robb.

Good god that looked bad. They should have at least gone for the cliched "gritty reboot" style with the costume at least. Then it wouldn't have looked like a fan made Katy Perry music video.

@ Sarcasm

Haha RockLobsters is that you again?


@ Doctor Memory

Stannis-Jon is actually too much awesome for one book.


Its funny that Sanderson was brought in to clean up the masturbatory world building and lack of momentum that WoT suffered from, considering all of Sanderson's "Way of Kings" was a momentumless masturbatory world building session until the last hundred pages or so.

Some thoughts.

First off, I now that Ebert has the cancer and everything, but Jesus Christ is that picture horrifying.

That's not a spoiler: those are events covered in in the first book.


I thought Dany's execution of the witch was eerily similar to the way her insane father burned Ed's father and brother.

