
"Okay when I open the lid you drive a stake through his heart. Soon they'll turn back into cars or whatever. Can I have my check now?"

Totally. It reminds me of that blonde lady in Road Warrior.

As Flavor Flav would say…
I think this is the best Beach House album yet. I can't get sick of it, no matter how hard I try. They're quickly becoming one of my all time favorite bands. And I had a rocky start with them; the first time I heard anything by them was at a live show at a festival once, and


Beach House rules. If you don't love them, maybe you never will. And I'm sad for you.

That movie has some absolutely hilarious parts

You go Glenn Coco! (Hah! Mean Girls joke, count it)

You guys see what you want to see, and it would be so wonderful and cosmic if Contra sounded like a shitty Sandinista, but that's not what's going on. Nobody is saying that Contra is better than Sandinista or that Vampire Weekend is better than the clash (obviously); but c'mon, Contra doesn't really sound like

Contra is great! I think the A- is spot on. It's original and funny (in an admittedly pretentious and douchebaggy sort of way) and I've listened to it several times and am not at all tired of it. I can totally understand the criticism that contra, and vampire weekend in general, is scenester/pretentious/ivy league

Easily my new favorite AVC joke commenter

I think this makes a perfect segue for an I Watched This on Purpose: Harry and the Hendersons

This was the dueling banjos of Mad Men analysis

Ancient Melodies of the Future
Until I read the interwebs chatter about There is No Enemy I didn't realize Ancient melodies was the go-to example for sucky built to spill. I really like Ancient Melodies. I'm gonna put myself out there and say…in the top three BTS albums

not cool
Too far, swine flu. There are lines that we don't cross.