Rollo Tomassi

As I've gotten older I've realized that it's douchey to constantly harp on all the elements of popular culture that I don't care about. The result is that I always end up getting really defensive about it. "Who do I think is going to win the game? Oh, I don't follow football. But that doesn't mean I have any problem

Yeah, I imagine more native born Americans suck than immigrants, percentage wise.

I think Nolte's awesome, but I find his career trajectory very odd. Basically he became a huge star at around 40. That's pretty rare.

As much as I'd like to make fun of those who are involved in this kind of thing, it's not like my job has any prestige, meaning or earning power.


Yeah, I feel like I could do this if I only knew someone in the industry. Until I try to write something, get three pages in and give up.

Imagine if everybody who sucked was kicked out of the country. We'd have the population density of southern Saudi Arabia.

Nick Nolte: playing tired guys past their prime since 1979.

No, I'm pretty sure it was because "Bitches be crazy." Occam's razor, dude.

Yeah, that's the problem with cocaine: the people who are on it hide that fact so cleverly.

You guys don't know jack about punning.

Yeah, mon.

Yeah, I forgot about that. I'll partially excuse it because it was a long time ago, and it was a very different culture then, but the fact that this kid's hair just enraged Mitt shows you what a conformist he is.

I was talking about the "borrow 25,000 from your parents" comment. "Binders of women" was totally overblown.

Breasts, you say? I may give this show a chance.

The ad I'm getting on the side of the screen is for a "young Asian women seeking older men" dating site. That's what happens with the keywords "fifty something" and "sex."

Seriously, what kind of a world must someone live in to say something like that?

Mitt is his middle name. It's after a relative, who was named Milton, but went by Mitt, I believe. Which is kind of weird.

Mitt always seemed like a nice, decent guy, but at the same time, I don't think he was able to view poor (or even middle-class) people as anything more than an abstraction. He didn't particularly care about their plight, and figured that the best way to fight poverty was to cut taxes on the rich and let that wealth

i work at a very high-end hotel. You'd be amazed how many people do in fact take the chance to strew garbage around the room.