Rollo Tomassi

Before they play Blackadder Goes Forth, do they say, "Now imagine that these guys are Kiwis, and every time they say 'France,' just replace it with 'Turkey?'"

Maybe they can win, but things would have to be pretty fucked up for that to happen. J.P. McPickleshitter : Yes, they won in '04, primarily because of great use of fearmongering and an uninspiring Democratic candidate, but that was eight years ago. By 2016, it will have been 12 years since they won; lots of their 2004

Kill him! Before he makes us get jobs, go to church and marry people of the opposite sex!

I really don't think they can win in 2016, even if they do start using actual statistical analysis. They're just too far to the right of the American public, or at least of the part of the American public that turns out to vote in presidential election years. But since nobody under sixty turns out to vote in midterms,

I took US history in summer school between my sophomore and junior years in order to get it out of the way early, and it was the biggest joke. We watched Glory for the Civil War, Come See the Paradise for WWII, (Forget about the rest of the war, Japanese internment was the only important thing that happened.) Born on

Is your problem with the inclusion of that line specifically? Because Stanton actually said that. It sounds strange now, and melodramatic, but apparently people used to talk like that quite a bit more than they do now.

It was a more innocent, rapier time.

I thought she was giving handies at a truck stop somewhere. Wait, are you telling me that chick wasn't Susan Lucci?

I would, but I was being raped at the time, by the man I'm now going to marry. Because we're in love!

I never liked soap operas, never watched soap operas, but all the same, I was a little upset when these shows disappeared. I felt like, if something has managed to survive since the days of radio, it might as well just be allowed to keep going forever.

Or cocaine!

Or cocaine!

There was an incest fanbase?

There was an incest fanbase?

You know, the first like fifteen minutes of that are OK, and you think it's really gonna be about hecklers, and how comedians deal with them, but then it suddenly veers off into being a movie about how critics are big mean poopyheads, and they're always hurting Jamie Kennedy's feelings, and the only reason is because

Maybe women are more likely to feel like they can be disruptive without getting their ass kicked? (I mean assuming it's even true that they're more likely to heckle. I have no idea.)

I Spit on Your Grave

Maybe that's the real reason it's taken so long to rebuild at the WTC site.

It really ought to be Saudi-rado Springs. I hear that place is a theocracy.

Maybe they should have offered lifetime passes instead?