
To be fair, Mr. Anderson never worked with Neo. The proper response should have been:

Don't you know the Dewey Decimal System??!!?

Gala. All day.

Back in the early 80s, for a young boy/adult, "Porky's" was the antithesis of "sucks".

A 1000x yes to Josh Holloway as Plissken.

Incorrect. You're either:

I actually thoroughly enjoyed the update. I still don't understand the hate.

"Potentially offensive". I love it.

I hear you.

Judas Priest wishes.

So do I, brother!

@avclub-77a30f3aed77aef3d4ed12bf43df6964:disqus Hmm.. I think you mean telling the difference between boysenberry and blackberry. If you can't tell the difference between those and a blueberry you're clearly a terrible person.

There's no way a pint of Bud tastes as good as Guinness after 2-3 drinks. Not in my world, buddy. Not in my world.

Did he? I know that Martin and Vince released an album together (last year) but I can find no references to Vince working with the boys on 'Delta Machine'.

Only he doesn't — though urban legend has clearly persisted. The role of 'Shoulders' was played by Stig Eldred.

I guess it all depends on your definition of cameo. I feel that a cameo is an appearance that is very short, where an actor probably doesn't have much more than a line or two and it's not really integral to the plot.

The one that I always reference:

@avclub-f365c0cee72aa186f5a6e0b174cfc256:disqus "Home Media" — even better!

@avclub-7cb1afde44997f2c8ac907d6f384a92f:disqus That I'm not entirely sure of and, to be honest, I had no prior knowledge of before reading your comment! "Always fresh", eh? Maybe not so much…

Pure awesomeness, eh.