
What the fuck?  Hamburger America and Colbert?  Radiohead is selling out.

Yea but have you heard how racist he has gotten against Arabs? Some of the stuff he says is really bad.

It's ripped off from an 80s sic fi film with the exact same concept. For the life of me i can't remember the name.

Shows gotten mediocre. It just ain't that good anymore.

I love sub-machine guns as well.

I think this show would have to be legitimately bad for me not to enjoy it.  I can just tell its going to hit the correct buttons.

Pretty easy conclusion to reach considering the creators already said there would be a movie.

Lol, loser meltdown. Too bad you don't have a life to direct all that passion. But rage on in an anonymous forum, it makes you look tough. Even friendless ppl need a place to vent.

You sound like the most obnoxious person any one would want to watch tv with.

Hiring an unqualified accountant is not a crime. It's just very unlikely a business would hire an unqualified accountant. But she could've majored or minored in Business in college and had minimal accounting knowledge.

I didn't think it was that great.  It was a genuine page turner, I'll admit that.  But it gets far too bogged down by the main characters journey through recreations of videogames and movies.  Reading detailed descriptions of the character playing a simulation of War Games, or some 80s videogame gets tiresome

I actually didn't listen to the podcast, a friend briefly relayed it's contents.

That twist was groan inducing. Ernie C really is shame proof.

Yea, that part made me cringe like so much of it.

The guys a cripple. Would he really be under constant watch? Especially now that his family is dead?

The Richards rock bio, Life, was easily the worst rock bio I've ever read.

Also Gus payed for the education of Gale, another homosexual, and employed him as his chef, who also ended up dead, all of this reflects his "brothers" arc.

Alcohol kills far more people than meth.

Seriously man, one of the best episodes of tv I've ever seen. It's just incredible. Brilliant scene after brilliant scene. Clean A.

I was going to say the exact same thing, that this whole article could be dedicated to lost. Remember the losties becoming evil zombies who'd been turned/infected by MIB? They abandoned that shit in a hurry.