mark twains moustache

This is some neat news. For awhile now I've wanted to see a show exploring this time period and place. Granted, I would have preferred a season or two just about the Aztecs before those shit-eaters showed up, but I'll not complain with Scorsese at the helm.
Now if only HBO would make a 8-10 episode miniseries of Moby

Eh, I've said as much as I want to about the change. We're just not in tandem about this scene. Don't misunderstand me, I thought it was a great episode, but this one part left me disappointed. Probably because it was the biggest 'Holy shit!' moment for me in a book full to the brim of those moments and that's saying

Tyrion knew well before the start of the series that Tywin despised him from the first, and what happened to his wife is an easy contender for the most fucked up event in his life up until the trial. That shit haunted him.

I thought it a very solid finale to the season. The divergences from the books in this episode didn't bother me except for one: Jaime not telling Tyrion the truth about Tysha, and Tyrion subsequently confronting Tywin about it. I suspect the writers left it out because they wouldn't expect the show-only fans to

No clue why it's doing that. Disqus is a sentient being whose ways cannot be comprehended by mere mortals such as us.

It made Brienne's arc matter, for me at least. Everything that happened until that part was very plodding and boring.

Yes. This speech is easily my favorite part from Feast. If they cut this from the show I will be very perturbed. Especially so since the show is at its best when characters are just having a conversation.

I couldn't agree more with your point that GoT is at its best when people are just having a conversation. Yeah, the fighting and violence is expertly crafted, but the scenes like Varys & Littlefinger having their verbal jousts, Robert & Cersei's discussion about Lyanna, Arya & Yoren ruminating on the brutality they've

I expected this piece to be an exemplar of eye rolling annoyance and boy howdy, it delivered!

Out, out, brief Hodor! Life's but a walking Hodor, a poor Hodor that Hodor's and Hodor's his hour upon the stage and then is Hodor no more. It is a tale told by a Hodor, full of Hodor and Hodor signifying Hodor.

Here's my counteroffer to your counteroffer: Go fuck yourself, HBO.

Yeah, completely disagree with the review of the episode. It was incredible as usual, and my sense of dread for the finale is palpable. I don't expect Rust to come out of it alive. And I love how Rust called Steve the sheriff a cocksucker. That had to have been a wink to the actors tenure as Steve the drunk on