
True, even if he managed to have his hands chopped off so he couldn't write to communicate, they could use one of those letter boards like Uncle Ring-A-Ding did on Breaking Bad. it was a symbolic kind of fuck-you gesture, but it shocked the hell out of me when I realized what he was doing.

I was thinking that too, as soon as I saw Tig enter within range of sight of the dog fighting ring, I was worried he was going to seriously lose his shit (like, go on a killing spree level). Then I was concerned about the dogs and had to remind myself this wasn't real. But yeah, I can see that. Tig: "I think I'll call

I was thinking that too, as soon as I saw Tig enter within range of sight of the dog fighting ring, I was worried he was going to seriously lose his shit (like, go on a killing spree level). Then I was concerned about the dogs and had to remind myself this wasn't real. But yeah, I can see that. Tig: "I think I'll call

I'm caught up on my watching, but was behind on reading these reviews/comments and had to come back and comment how FUCKING AWESOME that was. First time we watched, my husband called him using the iron on the guy. We knew he was going to snap. Then we just watched with our jaws dropping in total delight. Missed the

I'm caught up on my watching, but was behind on reading these reviews/comments and had to come back and comment how FUCKING AWESOME that was. First time we watched, my husband called him using the iron on the guy. We knew he was going to snap. Then we just watched with our jaws dropping in total delight. Missed the

Come at the King, you best not miss.

Come at the King, you best not miss.

I seriously thought for several seconds that was part of some kind of mildly kinky role-play sex act they were all willingly participating in, and the girl would turn out to be wearing a leather corset and holding a whip, and Gillian was just humoring them temporarily by keeping the goons happy. It wasn't till he

I seriously thought for several seconds that was part of some kind of mildly kinky role-play sex act they were all willingly participating in, and the girl would turn out to be wearing a leather corset and holding a whip, and Gillian was just humoring them temporarily by keeping the goons happy. It wasn't till he

and he was one funny handsome motherfucker in it. I saw that movie in the theater just to see ole Bruce. Evidently so did the other six or so people scattered throughout the theater who just howled through the scene with him at the bar. "Waiter, dos martinis, por favor!" (girly sigh)

and he was one funny handsome motherfucker in it. I saw that movie in the theater just to see ole Bruce. Evidently so did the other six or so people scattered throughout the theater who just howled through the scene with him at the bar. "Waiter, dos martinis, por favor!" (girly sigh)



I thought Pope wanted Tig behind bars for the rest of his life, not to be handed over for execution… well, I guess having Tig be in a prison where Pope has all the guards in his pocket would amount to the same thing.

I thought Pope wanted Tig behind bars for the rest of his life, not to be handed over for execution… well, I guess having Tig be in a prison where Pope has all the guards in his pocket would amount to the same thing.

Agreed. Also, the 'kiss of death' he gave Tig made me say out loud, "Oh, fuck, don't kill him off!" to my TV. Yeah, REAL dumb move of him to go rogue after he bought the lie that the one-niners guy shot Clay and kill an innocent girl who happened to be the daughter of the most powerful criminal in Charming, but I

Agreed. Also, the 'kiss of death' he gave Tig made me say out loud, "Oh, fuck, don't kill him off!" to my TV. Yeah, REAL dumb move of him to go rogue after he bought the lie that the one-niners guy shot Clay and kill an innocent girl who happened to be the daughter of the most powerful criminal in Charming, but I

Oh, MAN. I never thought of that. Pretty clever. Actually would impress me if that's what happened, shit, that could …maybe… sort of be the endgame of the series. Jax gets the payout, maybe splits it with Chibs, to finally leave the club (even though deep down that was for Tara and the kids, he loves it so much).

Oh, MAN. I never thought of that. Pretty clever. Actually would impress me if that's what happened, shit, that could …maybe… sort of be the endgame of the series. Jax gets the payout, maybe splits it with Chibs, to finally leave the club (even though deep down that was for Tara and the kids, he loves it so much).

He goddam mad dog, eh?