
maybe robbed of the ability to tell whether he sounds like an arrogant, self-righteous asshole when he opens his mouth, or if he should maybe just consider dialing the arrogance down a notch or two because he might come off as a prick to some people. But I guess that's not uncommon in Hollywood. Of an Emmy nom, I'm

I just saw it on the news too. What a heartbreaker.
Motherfucking shame.

I just saw it on the news too. What a heartbreaker.
Motherfucking shame.

Do you mean Tara? I'm disliking her character too, started to dislike her towards the end of S4. Or maybe the middle, I don't know. I haven't liked her at all this season. Why not allow Gemma to even visit her grandkids in daycare? Seems really petty. Also she doesn't pull off the 'biker old lady' look as well as

Do you mean Tara? I'm disliking her character too, started to dislike her towards the end of S4. Or maybe the middle, I don't know. I haven't liked her at all this season. Why not allow Gemma to even visit her grandkids in daycare? Seems really petty. Also she doesn't pull off the 'biker old lady' look as well as

Agree with both of you. I have the opposite problem (sort of) because I get so emotionally involved on a gut level (when I see something entertaining or great) I can't write a traditionally structured review. Used to be better at it. I got so into the last season of STARZ Spartacus:Vengeance that for at least a couple

Agree with both of you. I have the opposite problem (sort of) because I get so emotionally involved on a gut level (when I see something entertaining or great) I can't write a traditionally structured review. Used to be better at it. I got so into the last season of STARZ Spartacus:Vengeance that for at least a couple

All at the same time?

All at the same time?

GoGo Yubari was also missing Chalky, and is concerned about the safety of his character. PLEASE don't let Chalky get killed off soon, or when he is buying a pack of Newports.

GoGo Yubari was also missing Chalky, and is concerned about the safety of his character. PLEASE don't let Chalky get killed off soon, or when he is buying a pack of Newports.

Read an interview w/Kim Coates, they filmed in over 2 nights. Maybe Sutter used a later take where he was just emotionally exhausted. I think he may have just been partially in shock, kind of a lot to process at once. I think he'll seriously lose his shit NEXT episode, though.

Read an interview w/Kim Coates, they filmed in over 2 nights. Maybe Sutter used a later take where he was just emotionally exhausted. I think he may have just been partially in shock, kind of a lot to process at once. I think he'll seriously lose his shit NEXT episode, though.

He was one of the few characters that survived the series finale. I read his book and (though everyone might know this already, he was a Hell's Angel and did a pretty long stretch over some RICO charges associated with it. Glad to see him but I'd rather have Kozy back.

He was one of the few characters that survived the series finale. I read his book and (though everyone might know this already, he was a Hell's Angel and did a pretty long stretch over some RICO charges associated with it. Glad to see him but I'd rather have Kozy back.

SS- great review and I agree with your views on gratuitous nudity, but RE the naked drug packagers, I feel the need to point out that it is standard practice to have heroin/coke cutters/packagers employed by drug operations to be naked (or in panties) so they don't stash & walk away with any of the product.  I've seen

SS- great review and I agree with your views on gratuitous nudity, but RE the naked drug packagers, I feel the need to point out that it is standard practice to have heroin/coke cutters/packagers employed by drug operations to be naked (or in panties) so they don't stash & walk away with any of the product.  I've seen

Agreed. I'm hoping they're going to just REALLY humble him, and I see Lucretia slicing his cock off and that cauterizing it with a "Batiatus" brand (if there's still one laying around) as a fine way to do that. Jesus, this show makes me bloodthirsty.

"At least it's not a fucking Roman that takes—" (CHOP! DECAPITATED)