.The Archmage of the Aether

We could in the good old days. The best jokes were the unregistered ones.

It's time to blind you with some science right in your eye. Erections can be created through both hormonal means and nerve stimulation. Although paraplegics cannot feel their penises they can still get hard if you stimulate them.

It's time to blind you with some science right in your eye. Erections can be created through both hormonal means and nerve stimulation. Although paraplegics cannot feel their penises they can still get hard if you stimulate them.

You're all mean.


The bassist is a pretty lady who does an adorable little leg kick when she plays.

I'm very amused that the actual horse pun has three likes, while the cheap Sarah Jessica Parker low-hanging fruit sucker punch has 19 likes.

The first line of that review reinforces my point: "There are plenty of reasons to dislike The Dandy Warhols' third album, Thirteen Tales From Urban Bohemia, before even hearing it." Phipps just happens to be a competent enough reviewer to be objective despite his emotions, unlike most music critics who are generally

Matt Wild
I have a sincere question for you. Why do sites like the AVClub and Pitchfork insist on reviewing every Dandy Warhols album when it's clear that the reviewers have such an intense hatred for Courtney Taylor that they are unable to do anything but shit on whatever they produce? And really this extends to

From top to bottom the banana was green, then yellow, and then green again. Not yet ripe, but still edible by some people's standards. He wasn't interested in eating this banana though. This banana would be one piece of fruit that would save his life.
He held it inside his jacket pocket, pointed outwards to make it

I really appreciate the post, but I still have to wonder how this could have been a good movie. It just sounds really stupid. Maybe I have a low tolerance for movies these days.

The listing of "Goofs" for Stephen King's The Vessel almost made me piss with laughter.

If I could flag this review I would. These episodes weren't amazing but a B- suggests they were only marginally enjoyable, which is false.

The trick to the Tragically Hip is understanding that their first 6 albums are excellent, good, clean rock with a couple shifts in style, and their last 6 albums are all uniform in sound but not very interesting. I'm not sure how a band goes from being so immensely creative and inspired to being, well, the opposite,

Yeah, flagged for sure. Their first two albums are an acquired taste, but go listen to Tournament of Hearts (start with Soon Enough) and then Kensington Heights (give the album a couple goes before forming a strong opinion). They're both quality pieces of work.

I can't figure out the tumblr, is there an easier internet thing I can use for all my seapunk needs?

They are going to love the shit out of Lana Del Rey.

Patrick Bateman?

Guesswritten by Leonard Pierce.

Filthy wet-shellbacks doing all the superhero work for a fraction the cost.