.The Archmage of the Aether

Calm down, he just means they're illegal aliens. They swam across the Rio Grande.

The first Hellboy is pretty good. I actually found the second one comically ridiculous. It also creates this fantasy world which makes no sense given the plot of the first.

That opening sequence definitely drew me in. I also totally forgot that they saw a helicopter in episode 2 or 3.

The pet zombies were her boyfriend and his friend. She uses them to deflect other walkers using the same principle as smothering yourself in zombie guts to avoid detection. She lopped off their arms and jaws so they couldn't harm her.

She was fine in the comics but I don't see how they'll make it work for the TV show. It's too far removed from the general tone and I think it's sort of hokey. Plus, it's not like she'll be a good character, she'll have the same bad lines and inconsistent motivation that everyone else does.

I was just thinking that myself. By not speaking he saves us from a parade of stupidity or non-stop whining. He's the only one who keeps his cool. Too bad he's incompetent and almost died of blood poisoning from a classic kneeling down injury.

Am I joining this thread too late to point out they'll probably release two copies of the exact same movie under a different name? And even though you know it's exactly the same thing you're paying for twice you'll still feel compelled to watch both?

I was looking forward to this show tonight until I realized within the first 5 minutes that it was going to be a T-Dog episode.

It could be worse for him, he could be on the Walking Dead. As least he has regular lines every week doesn't just show up at the end of the episode with a shotgun.

This album gives me a weird boner, I really like it.

Different Strokes as they say. I capitalized it because I'm talking about the show and not using a common phrase.

I think Dale should get a zero. You see a mutilated cow and gawk at it long enough to get ambushed by a lumbering, slow-ass zombie? It's too bad, I really liked him this episode.

Remember last week when Andrea gives Shane the big lecture about doing the right thing but doing it in a way which makes people think he's insane? And then this week she does (maybe) the right thing but the way she does it is creates all kinds of animosity? Do the characters on this show behave consistently from one


It's complete crap how every review of this movie feels the need to sneak in how the Seals are brave patriots and they aren't putting them down by putting down the movie. There's so much fear of looking unamerican by simply reviewing a movie, and experiencing an angry backlash because of it. The seeds of fascism are

Lori really needs to die. Once she's out of the way there's nothing preventing Rick from melting down and becoming the anti-hero we all so desparately want to see. I think this show should end this season with basically a blood bath from which only Rick and Carl escape. They can then reboot with some characters who

But more importantly, how did the Family Guy do on the rape-terminal illness-pedophilia-incest joke counter today? It's been a while since Family Guy has pulled out all four in an episode, but today they stuck by their unbroken record of having two of them. There was a cancer joke, and then the homeless guy taking the


It's probably way too late for anyone to read this but here goes. What's always fascinated me about the portrayal of American history in media and the popular consciousness is that it doesn't seem to start until just before there's an America. It's as though the previous 150 years of colonization and those people

Weird synchronicity, while channel surfing I stopped on The Voice for some reason (oddly Grammy appropriate), and a guy was doing his audition with this song. I literally clicked on this about two seconds after the audition ended and the same thing boots up again. Fucking BLEW MY MIND!!!