.The Archmage of the Aether

Josh, if you're going to review mainstream rock, review the new Arkells album. Yeah, I'm plugging the thing everywhere and I'm not even on the payroll.

I'm surprised this scored higher than the far superior, and quite great, Born on a Flag Day. I've been a Deer Tick fan since they came out of the gate and I'm not sure I'm quite in love with this album. I should give it time to grow.

I read it last year at the age of 29 and I had a lot of respect for it. It's possibly a good example of media that you hate more for the people who are attached to it than the media itself. I often love things that I watched/read/listened to going in cold only to find out later I was supposed to hate them. Ryan Adams

I thought Fight Club was an excellent book for the insights Palahniuk had into consumerism and modern notions of masculinity. But it always felt like his writing skills weren't as fine tuned as his ideas which might explain why Fight Club the movie is a quality movie while Fight Club the book is just worthy of being

OK seriously, you're from Vancouver too? Maybe we actually are the same person and you're just a fracture of my psyche. Oh fuck, maybe I'm just a fracture of yours!

I have a mother? Creepy.

At least they aren't Yahoo news comments wrong.

As someone who knows someone who worked in a graveyard, I can advise that you aren't just chucked into a dirty pit like on tv and buried. You're actually in a concrete shell.

It's explained in the comics. Basically it isn't the infection that turns you into a zombie, it's just the infection that kills you. Once you're dead you turn into a zombie regardless of how you died. So if you're running away from a zombie and fall and break your neck - bam, zombie.

Deerhunter is one of the best current bands? Good god, the music at your parties must be horrendous. I mean, I'll qualify that by saying they aren't a bad band, but one of the two best current bands in existence? Seriously? Even acknowledging that taste is subjective and we all like different things, how do you arrive

I posted here by accident instead of replying to someone. But then I fixed it. But I can't think of what I should say now that I've edited the comment I shouldn't have made.

They made me register and so I registered, what's the problem?

I have to completely dissent. I've been a fan of this show since the first episode and this season is really disappointing me. This episode thankfully didn't have any of that complete failure of Chang-as-security-guard subplot but by making it so 'heavy' it completely squandered the opportunity. Community is best when

If increasing the working class' purchasing power leads to inflation then why do we justify wealth concentration on the grounds that it creates jobs? Isn't that more inflationary activity? Also doesn't increasing the GDP through increased purchasing power counter inflation? And why do increased profits to businesses

The effect of a mass labour migration is obvious - a large amount of low and semi-skilled positions would open which would quickly be filled by the unemployed. However, there would be very little interest in doing those jobs for the same wages that the immigrants, illegal and legal, were doing them, which would

I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. I was just having a flashback to that time I took peyote on the way home from Woodstock and my head broke for three days.

hahahahahah Summer of '69!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You've got to be kidding me. First I find out you're also Canadian, and now I discover you're watching old Larry Sanders Show episodes at the same time I am (Netflix I presume?). We really are cut from the same cloth. Two trolls under a bridge.

The tragedy is that they're a good band who make good music, but losers like you like to hate music that isn't a bunch of obscure twee bullshit. I know your type. *casts Shock n Dawes* -20 hp to all haters.

I'll remind you that I haven't been paid in months