
For me, Velvet Underground and Nico was the album that got me into VU.  The albums I keep coming back to though are Velvet Underground and Loaded.


I respectfully don't agree.  I think underlying the film is a certain sweetness and neon-90s idealism.  The way I see it, that "smugness" and "entitlement" is basically teenage fronting.  Even Jolie's character has moments of teenage awkwardness.

I am heartened to see this film enter the magnanimous cult cannon.  The film gives me warm fuzzies all over.


You got to take the bad with the good in life I guess.

Well that nipped the inevitable sequel "Haunukkah 2" right in the bud.

SPOILERS:  I thought the quality of the book was very solid.  Good pacing, and I like the fact that the series deals with such serious issues as opposed to, you know, Twilight. As far as the book goes, I could have done without the dead tributes being morphed into those super-rabid-hounds at the end.  In that sense, I

Jennifer Lawrence's schedule with the X-men 1st class sequel has also got something to do with it.

I concur very much with your concern.

This doesn't look good.  Seems to be a real danger here of the quality of the sequel being diminished by rush to bring it to theaters.

Uh…just the nipple part.  Not the cat part.

3 times the sensuality!!!


Sensual…does this mean there will be batnipples? Damn it NO!

Looks like we've discovered a hidden theme in Spurlock's work.

Gervais needs to do what he does best and insult the rich and privileged on awards shows.

But does this mean there will be cleavage? DOES IT???

Cowabunga Shreds Dude.

PLAY WITH CAUTION: This slow-jam will make some babies!!!