Buche de Noel

It's a MADHOUSE……………a MADHOUSE…………

nah - you're right, Duck Couldn't wait. He's our own Captain Queeg alternately inspiring pathos and then loathing in us from moment to moment.

Brat - are you F-ing kiddingme? Unbelievable! My cousin went to the seminary in the 60s too. If you recall, all 'good' catholic families felt it was incumbent upon them to give at least one son to the priesthood. My cousin got out, got married and had three boys. Still a believer but very much a 'just live a good

last contribution before bedtime
That priest was a total douchebag tonight. The girl comes over with a nice cake to much on as the rads permeate their DNA post global thermonuclear annihiliation and all he can do is threaten her with the 'reality' of Beelzebub? Sheesh - This guy needs to read 'Don Draper's How to

Betty's anonymous Exchange of Bodily Fluids
Did Don call it or what? "Betty", he writes lovingly in his letter, "I know you won't be alone for long….." HA….She not only want for it, she ENJOYED it immensely. The nameless inseminator WAS rather cute, NO?

the guys looked like dreck tonight but sounded good
Despite their visible fatigue secondary to the exigencies of life during the Bay of Pigs, at least the characters communicated with each other FINALLY! It was a rather creepy look into Peggy's brain listening to her tell Pete about her diminishing psyche. Poor Pete

Thanks Squill - I lean towards hyperbole all too often…….

Pete delivered the Best metaphor of the finale!
When Pete did Don the courtesy of giving him the heads up on the merger Don was genuinely puzzled and asked him why? Pete, obviously genuine answers that were he Don, he'd appreciate the advance warning. Then Pete gives Don the insight he never knew he had by

Who noticed Betty's hair? Pete was the first!
Noel - although you state that only Don noticed her hair change it was indeed Pete who, upon coming home from Cali, tanned but petulant with the Cali types chronic lateness did say to Peggy "what's different about you?" Peggy -aka BANGS, play it down of course.

Not the Same Doctor, Noel
Noel thought perhaps Betty's doc was also Don's? I don't think so. Wasn't Don's doc who did the 'executive physical' that found his hypertension a labcoat wearing sharpie whose office was in Manhattan? Betty's homespun guy was the neighborhood family doc who had his office in his house as

who was holding the shotgun?
I couldn't tell………..was it Pete or Duck sitting in the darkened SC offices holding the elephant gun on his lap?