Pragmatic Idealist

Loved the open.  Also, I'm originally from Swampscott so it was very cool that they mentioned it!

Loved the open.  Also, I'm originally from Swampscott so it was very cool that they mentioned it!

Watch American: The Bill Hicks Story
I had not heard his comedy or seen his act, but after seeing this documentary, I became a huge fan. I highly recommend it.

Lobster you're fucking out!

Team Britta
I don't know. It does feel a little like Britta has been harboring feelings towards Jeff for a good chunk of the season. As stated in this episode, she is a very guarded person. Britta definitely was competing with Slater for Jeff's affection, but maybe it made her realize what she was afraid to admit

I've seen a few Rothko's in person and I still to this day use his works as examples of everything that I hate about modern art. Can someone please explain why he is considered good? His work still strikes me as something an elementary school student could have produced, but with a title full of pretension.

1980. What's with the crappy music that kids listen to these days?