
"This is an effeminate man… the lips, the lashes, it's a little much"

"Thats good… that's love… that's love" … and also every single one of her reaction faces were so good

I say this every week but why is Chris Messina so good


We ask too much because some times it gets it so perfect that you never wanna see it go back… but I agree with you

"The photo of you and your dad you keep on your desk? ……….. Thats exactly what I wanted" *shoves Tamra's picture out of the way*

I'm going to guess that while going through their NYC tracking shot options Mindy saw the one with "The Internship" and thought it would be funny because BJ (Novak) is in it

#TeamPeter part was too funny, I love the scenes where they all stand around in the office discussing something stupid… I could watch 23 minutes of just that

I just double checked and those were definitely bandaids!

I just meant that they "walk a weird line" on purpose. None of her political views have been made clear because she really doesn't care about politics. She's the type of person that would say she agrees with a politician just because they're hot… or she might read Sarah Palin's book because she is famous

I'd like to point out that Peter doing accents on the phone was just about the funniest thing I've seen on TV and it was so simple and stupid and thats why I love this show probably

Mindy is the most selfish and least politically conscious person, she jumps from opinion to opinion without any thought. Thats the point I think

Okay, fair enough! But as a Danny and Mindy sap, HE WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR HER!

Completely agree. Never bothered by that kind of stuff until I read discussions on here… but nevertheless, like you said, the mile-a-minute jokes smooth everything out for me.

I think I saw Danny's reluctancy to let Mindy's stuff in more as a neat freak thing… considering he stores her suitcase up on the fridge as soon as she comes inside (too funny).

I feel like it has been implied many times that while he is a rich, manhattan doctor, Danny is very cheap

He is just the cutest I can't handle it. When I saw some pictures from set I was wondering why he looked so unwashed but clearly it had a purpose. I'm sure he'll come back cute as ever tho

I thought Morgan was soooo funny in this episode but then again I think I'm in love with Ike so that might factor in. Anyway Rhea Perlman was absolutely inspired… even better than I imagined and I had high hopes

I care about Richie so much and I'm concerned about him

Hmmm really?? They've already clued us in to him being a really good dancer, I thought it fit nicely!