
Also… am I just obsessed with Messina or was him having a cold cuter than most?

"My turn… I'm pretty sure my grandmother is my mom"

I'm just hoping that it continues!

Honestly Morgan telling the story about his glasses will probably never get old to me.

Yes! I'll just be busy being a special little type of idiot with all these babies that have clearly ruined me and my perspective on life!

okay pal, whatever you say

you claim to be a feminist but actually have the audacity to say you hope its a miscarriage ………………….

I think that my favourite mindy project trope now and forever is "impromptu party"

Having a summer Olympics in a rainy locale is VERY strange

He doesn't think that she can't do it because she isn't capable… he doesn't think she can do it because SHE doesn't think she can do it… if that sentence makes sense

I paused the episode to read Danny and Morgan's skype chat

I can't believe I didn't get to say goodbye to Reese

I love that one too. Thanks for answering!

what is wrong with you

Gwen I've always wondered what you thought of "Josh and Mindy's Christmas Party" from season 1… its one of my all time favourites and you didn't review season 1! Actually, what are your favourites from season 1?

"I know what he eats for breakfast……. eggs"

I think this plot is more laying ground for an engagement by the end more than a breakup. The payoff will be greater if theres conflict about it at first.

"We don't need a Kramer… and if we needed one… Morgan's more that energy"

Also… the bathtub is definitely in Danny's apartment!

As soon as Beverly says "he's out in the courtyard playing catch" you know where the joke is going… but the actual visual of them smiling in matching baseball caps and the thought of Morgan immediately seeing himself as Danny's new dad was so god damn funny my stomach hurt from laughing