
From everything I've heard about next weeks episode…. its going to be crazy and amazing and I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!! This episode was hilarious and a welcomed setup for what is gonna go down next week. Laughed to hard and went way to weak for that last scene with Mindy and Danny for this not to be at least a B+ for

K but when Danny was wearing a Rangers hat in his pictures with Morgan I pretty much died

the finale is coming!

PS at the end Danny is reading a Ludlum (just like he is in You've Got Sext)… and just like Harry reads in When Harry Met Sally…. BUT ANYWAY… more about how Mindy and Peter are gonna get together….

I LOVE Mindy and Peter together but I would hate to have them go anywhere romantically… I think its nice to see Mindy have a completely platonic friendship with someone who is more similar to her, its growing into a really strong dynamic… I love how they are presenting Peter as the season boils down… like Mindy, he's

I was being sarcastic - I KNOW they do lol… If there is one thing this show hasn't messed with its Mindy and Danny's dynamic, so I think the next 4 episodes will be the show's best. And I agree with it being stupid to air that episode but it was Fox's decision ultimately, and was clearly a ploy to pull in a few extra

You really think they don't have a plan for the rest of the arc?

Yes yes same to all of this

Okay, okay, okay C- seems crazily harsh lol… If anything, at least for me, the final scene redeemed any problems that I had with the rest of the episode (could be because of Messina and Mindy's stellar acting but idk). I may be the odd man here but I thought that Danny's reasoning to breakup with her so quickly were

Just to clarify… "Girl Crush" was shot in November and was originally supposed to air after episode 12. They did reshoots for some scenes but it does explain why they seem to be so normal with each other throughout a lot of the scenes

Yes but there is absolutely no indication of what they have planned yet other than he has a new name… we'll just have to wait and see what they do before just assuming its going to be bad lol

also it was very cute reading all of the casts twitter reactions to him being back cause none of them knew

Hmm… this was my favourite finale so far… and I trust the writers enough with what will happen with Jimmy next season

I feel like it was a nod to Dennis… so funny

also "were you aroused" was my fave line of the night

Mindy is such a fun show to watch, I literally laughed for 60 minutes straight. I'm so glad it came back with two episodes that show how funny this show really is… and I'm so glad its coming back for a third season… and I just love it so much I'm gushing

Mindy wasn't in love with Tom, she was in love with the idea of Tom, and getting married and having a family (her fantasy rom com dreams)… which she thought she was going to have with him until he found someone else. She realizes how she really felt about their relationship now that she knows what its like to have a

just wondering… if mindy is still going to use new girl as its lead in throughout april and into may… will that mean new girl will end with like 27 episodes this season???

yeah they are

they are in rom-coms!