
This is basically a prog-rock album with all the recurring themes and odd-time signatures. I try to sing along but who am I trying to hit those notes?

Oh my, nope, it's ~20 years later. Youth, bloody youth.

My first "punk record" was Epitaph's "Punk-o-rama Vol. 1", so my reference point was that disc and the little catalog Epitaph included with all of their albums.

Ghost motifs have been all but ignored by the indie community these years. Are the spirit allusions too transparent for folks to take seriously? These guys opened the Pandora's Box in Specter-rock and I can do nothing but appreciate them for it.

Blossom was okay, but her friend Six was outstanding.

Margaret Cho played a large part in my formative masturbatory years. Sixth grade, the first season of "All American Girl". Something about her really got to my budding libido.