Cletus Van Damm3

(Do you not, Core Concept?)


我会说普通话。I do speak Mandarin, although imperfectly. I was pretty sure Charlie was just spouting jibberish, so I saw where things were going. Still pretty funny though.

Nothing all that interesting. When he was asking for the Yangtze River, most people were replying 不知道, "I don't know". When he was going to the "little Yangtze" the guy was telling him to 慢一点, slow down. And when he was with the family. They were asking him what country he was from,你是哪个国家的?美国?英国?法国? "America? England?

Nothing all that interesting. When he was asking for the Yangtze River, most people were replying 不知道, "I don't know". When he was going to the "little Yangtze" the guy was telling him to 慢一点, slow down. And when he was with the family. They were asking him what country he was from,你是哪个国家的?美国?英国?法国? "America? England?

Not really sure what that has to do with anything. There are no visa freebies during Chinese New Year. It's a massive pain all year round.

Not really sure what that has to do with anything. There are no visa freebies during Chinese New Year. It's a massive pain all year round.

Oh, and by the way, the most inadvertently hilarious part of the episode (dream-like though it may be), is the idea that one can just hop on a plane to Beijing on a whim, as if the Chinese government is totally cool with visa free travel. What are we to believe, that this is some sort of a…magic xylophone or

Oh, and by the way, the most inadvertently hilarious part of the episode (dream-like though it may be), is the idea that one can just hop on a plane to Beijing on a whim, as if the Chinese government is totally cool with visa free travel. What are we to believe, that this is some sort of a…magic xylophone or

So, I'm a black dude. Lived in China for a couple of years and I speak the language. (You think Louie gets weird looks there)IMhO, he nailed being in China. Granted, I didn't have quite the same language barrier (I can work, live, and travel alone throughout China, but I'm not quite at the

So, I'm a black dude. Lived in China for a couple of years and I speak the language. (You think Louie gets weird looks there)IMhO, he nailed being in China. Granted, I didn't have quite the same language barrier (I can work, live, and travel alone throughout China, but I'm not quite at the

FWIW, A- is totally fair. It's good, but suffers by comparison. What can I say? I'm more of an Empire Strikes Back and Two Towers person myself. The trend continues…

FWIW, A- is totally fair. It's good, but suffers by comparison. What can I say? I'm more of an Empire Strikes Back and Two Towers person myself. The trend continues…

I've seen it. Hong Kong, bitches

I've seen it. Hong Kong, bitches