Popular Kid

Yeah, what about some stupid, cancelled, loser TV show no one cares about except people that live in basements and live on poptarts?

You're cool. I wish I was as cool as the guy who knew "Onion AV Club" in '99, before they, like, sold out, man. Why don't we get together and drink Columbian coffee on a Parisian terrace while dropping our chewed gum on the heads of the lumpen proletarians (who certainly didn't know about the AV Club in 1999, and

YOU'RE SO INCREDIBLY CLEVER! You've never even been to Europe, you stupid shit.

Oh my god, seriously, his stuff is the SHIT. Because comic books aren't inherently uncool.

Woah, your entirely novel sense of humor is just so interesting to everyone. So many posters sharing your pompous disdain for those who don't sit around practicing various accents into a tape recorder and then critique themselves because no one else will speak to them.

That's cool.