
Wait, I though guardians were law enforcement. Is that why Tara the deputy was killed, or was she just in the way? I think Stiles' dad has some time left because they haven't found Harris' body and he's another philosopher sacrifice, I think.

That's because Jeff Davis doesn't seem to know how to handle death. Like right after the episode where Boyd was killed TW jumped into flashback mode and didn't deal with any of that. We also see Lydia completely forgetting about Jackson her true love because the show handles loss just as well.

I love their interaction too. Phil seems to think he needs to work in a dig about Stiles every episode review though.

The prevailing theory on tumblr is that Jennifer is Kate Argent 2.0. She's just coming into town, has some design on their Alpha, which makes a more convincing argument for 'Jennifer is the druid' than I was really willing to consider.

I'm torn really. On the one hand I wouldn't recommend watching two shows simultaneously, thus not paying nearly half the attention Tumblr does to Teen Wolf like Phil must have, but on the other I realize devoting more brain cells than strictly necessary to pertinent plot—the snark, the shirtlessness—to this show might

Tumblr is too politically correct for any show.

More manhandling and sass, please. I wouldn't say no to any long lingering look from any character to Stiles either.

The ephemeral and the risk and reward thing with Scott was so weird and forced, tt's like all the momentum the show has screeches to a halt every time Scott tries to use his brain. And why Teen Wolf is suddenly an advert for American education is currently beyond me. Also, more than lip service had better be paid to