Mr. Tadakichi

Oh come on-you're not going bash the bishop over that picture because she's dead?

That's why I have ferrets! Lots of ferrets! So that when I die they can scamper and crawl all over my slowly mummifying body and protect it from the bad face-eating kitties.

With any luck, I'll finally be divorced tomorrow.
There are FAR worse things that can happen to an ex. Believe me, I've imagined them.

Archmage-a chink in his armoire? That explains everything!

I read "The Fountainhead" in college, and really kind of liked it. Then I tried "Atlas," and made it to the speech. Then I wanted to throw it out the window.

I Get Around
I've listened to that song a million times, but it wasn't until a few years ago that the line:
"None of the guys go steady 'cause it wouldn't be right
To leave your best girl home on a Saturday night."
really made sense. "Oh, you don't have a girlfriend 'cause hanging out with the guys is more important."

With "The Big Sleep" the story goes that they went to Chandler to ask where Rusty Regan went, and even he said he wasn't sure.
Even though it was Carmen all along.

"Good news, everyone! I've taught the toaster to feel love!"

OK, if everyone's finished being stupid—
I had more, but you go ahead.

Just started the whole series from the beginning…
…cause my girlfriend had never seen it. She doesn't like the Simpsons, so she never experienced the rich creamy goodness of Futurama,while my 14 year old daughter and I are solid fans.
So we're watching every episode in order-we're up to "The Lesser of Two Evils" in

"This just in: AV Club Staffer trampled to death in Welsh Corgi puppy stampede. Film at 11.
And 11:10.
11:15, 17, 21, and for the rest of the night. It's Sweeps Week."

Gosh darn it! I downloaded the latest Flash player, and now everytime I go to look at a video, I get the Blue Screen of Death.
So, no puppy squee in the Tadakichi household on National Puppy Day.

Apparently the same demographic that kept "Barnaby Jones" on the air for 36 years.

In Detoit we had "Sir Graves Ghastly" Saturday afternoons, and then "The Ghoul" out of Cleveland at night. He used to blow up model cars and food with everything from Black Cats to M-80's.
The first monster movie host from Cleveland, "Ghoulardi," later went on to be the voice of ABC Sports. "The thrill of victory, the

I grew up in Detroit in the late 60's early 70's. Cartoons ended when Sir Graves Ghastly came on to host the afternoon monster movie.
Obviously Soul Train was big, but I didn't watch it that much. Hee Haw was one of those shows you watched when there wasn't anything else on.

I saw it as a kid in the theatre…one time we just stayed and watched it back to back.
It's great fun. My then 8 year old daughter picked it for her "watch every chance I can" movie.

No layin' on her back and thinkin' of England for her, no sir!

"patch together Rockpile's career from one proper album" entitled "Seconds of Pleasure." Out of print, but I used to have the vinyl. It's got a much better version of "Teacher Teacher" than Lowe's Greatest Hits.

Pure Pop for Now People
If it ain't Stiff…

I bought a bunch of albums, based on cover art, with my paper route money. Some sucked, some were fun (Triumverat!), and some were just not much good. But it was fun to take them home, open them up, and see what they sounded like.
And they were all vinyl and they had big square covers for lots of nice pictures!