Mark Lindamood

Didn't you just want Amber to overhear that conversation between Drew and the girl and shove him out the door? Dude, when a pretty girl invites you anywhere you GO, without hesitation or excuse.

Jay Ward's cartoons were more about social satire than they were about animation.

That'd explain the lips.

Didn't Indy actually *lead* the Nazis to the Ark 'cause they were digging in the wrong spot?

You've got a point. But in the fictional world of BB, why would *anyone* post an obit for Walt?

You get what you pay for with a classified ad. If you want a typographer or a graphic designer to lay out a 1-column inch obit, you might as well go all out and make it the size of a display ad.

Yeaaah…. that device was *not* a "robot". It didn't even have rudimentary programming for turning itself on or off.

Wasn't that John Garfield? I can't be sure, he only rang twice.

It was mutual destruction. The turning point came the day Combo was killed. Jane urged Jesse to come with her to a 12-step meeting, but Jesse insisted on retreating into a drugged stupor. Instead of leaving, Jane passively joined Jesse's retreat into drugs.

Is New Zealand in Australia?

I see what you did there.

Something's up with the blonde from the Paris scene. They just gave her too much screen time for her to simply have been decorative.

On the subject of the car, what was up with the dismissive "old car" jibe from Fitz? It's a mid-60's era Corvette… not a Hudson. Isn't a 'Vette still the essence of cool, 50 years later?

Even cooler than Root merely "finding out" about the Machine — she deduced its existence from the several times her own carefully-laid plans were foiled. That was before she even met Finch. When she met Finch, a programmer capable of out-thinking even her, it confirmed her previous deduction.

Did you miss Crane's observation that the colonists started their revolution because of a mere 2% tax?

The fictitious column gets its fictitious facts wrong concerning how recently White was seen with the Schwarz's. The birthday party which he attended was nearly two years ago, BB time.

At that point Walt and Mike hadn't had *their* falling out. Mike still had his crew, so Jack and company were held in check. That is, until Walt decided to sub-contract Jack as *his* crew.

Okay, Walt boosters — do you think he's a bastard NOW?

For me it was the Monkees. But after a couple of decades I finally realized that the music biz is like any other: just people making a living.

No, Jesse kept Walt on the phone to keep him agitated and not thinking clearly so that (1) Walt would confess and (2) forget to turn off the GPS .