Mark Lindamood

I will watch The Wire when Idris Elba watches The Wire.

Since foster parenting is administered by government agencies, Mrs. S's fostering Sarah, Felix and Kira has never made sense to me. Since she's in some kind of underground railroad for "orphans", she wouldn't invite the scrutiny that is supposed to come from social services.

I'm pretty sure the way they validated their work was to then write that code and see if it booted up.

"Did you watch DEXTER? Random scuba divers are always finding things!"

That's only because, in cartoons, all adults are stupid.

Like many ideologues Brook has such a determinedly narrow way of looking at things. SoMS was about social-climbing in general, not just as it relates to the corporate world.

Hey, he made it to Inspector.

With Steve Ditko playing the never-seen neighbor who slips pages of bizarrely illustrated running commentary under the door? Hey, I'd watch that.

It's hard to believe you'd need one.

The viewer was just encouraged to think that "this is science, because Tyson is a scientist."

Your first paragraph makes me roll my eyes, but I appreciate everything else you've written here.

But Rachel told Delphine that Leekie was dead and Leekie's death came up again in her conversation with Duncan. It seems as though Rachel had her own plans for Leekie's elimination. So if she has arranged for Leekie's murder, Rachel still hasn't gotten heard from her hit team that Leekie never showed up at the

Great, you're the one to ask then: was there a "lay-down-on-the-floor" alarm in the first season?

With two episodes left this season, I wonder if they'll tell us how Rachel knows Leekie is dead. Rachel isn't the kind of person who'd carelessly announce Leekie's death without having confirmed it. And obviously Donnie didn't tell her.

I don't know, but don't trans-sexuals appear more feminine than males? So it would be easier or more believable if less remarkable for Maslany to portray a trans-sexual than a male.

I'm not sharing in the Tony-hate. It seems to me that Tatiana did a good job of portraying the archetypal male attitude with Tony's swagger-even-under-stress.

A clone phone of his own? With appropriate ring tone, set to the time zone?

Right now all they have to deal with is the occasional stranger saying, "You look soooo familiar. Have you ever lived in (insert far-flung spot of globe)?

(And since we are in London this season, there are 2 maintenance guys: Chris O'Dowd and Richard Ayoade. In response to Jack, Ayoade starts to speak as O'Dowd frantically yells):
Bloody hell, don't TELL him!

Actually, that didn't seem especially "ranty" to me. Years ago there was little Monty Python song that I liked called "I Like Chinese". It had a great melody, witty lyrics and the chorus line seemed like to be positive to me. But after enduring scowls of fellow community college students, I stopped singing it entirely.