It's bloody awful.
What the hell are we supposed to "consider," exactly?
Give me a break. The third season of League of Gentlemen is EASILY the worst - as the members of LOG pretty much admit in that season's DVD commentary. The first season is by far the best.
Patton Oswalt is a lame, limp-wristed troll who isn't funny.
The farting sketch is one of the worst things the show has ever done. You must have a terrible sense of humor.
Perhaps no one will ever read this comment, but I just wanted to point out that this is easily the worst episode of "Portlandia" ever, and that therefore Les Chappell must be some sort of drooling idiot for giving this a B.
Perhaps no one will ever read this comment, but I just wanted to point out that this is easily the worst episode of "Portlandia" ever, and that therefore Les Chappell must be some sort of drooling idiot for giving this a B.
You don't need to kiss his ass.
Don't tell me what not to watch, you motherfucker.
Kenan is never funny.
Kenan is never amazing, He's the worst cast member ever.
No, fuck you.
Two things to give a rest: 90s nostalgia, and use of the NY Times-promulgated portmanteau "normcore."
Dude was right. "Initiation" is very poor compared to the rest of season 3. Do not use Erik Adams as "vindication" - witness his other letter grades, which are completely erratic and loopy.
No, seasons 8 and 9 were utter garbage, through and through.
Erik Adams does not know how to assess things properly, making him a poor TV critic. "Initiation" is almost definitely the worst episode of season 3, and in no way deserving of an A.
Leonard Pierce, you fucking bastard. How could you have given the first two episodes of "Mr. Show" such a low rating? This is classic, classic shit - an easy A if there ever was one.
You sound completely brainwashed.