Yeah, but the OP is a fucking retard.
Yeah, but the OP is a fucking retard.
Sure they do.
That's Sims for you. He really hasn't got a fucking clue.
You sound like such a geek.
All the best Marx Brothers films had Zeppo in them; and Groucho maintained that privately Zeppo was the funniest of them all - so I think you don't know what the hell you are talking about.
Ken Burns is awful
Who gives a fuck
I really enjoyed this movie, and was quite surprised when I learned that he disowned it.
"My point is not that classic TV is good for you; my point is that it is good." So, so eloquently stated. Thank you so much for finally putting this into words!
Simpsons season 7 is not "utterly brilliant"! It was a definite step down from season 6.
Agreed, and Parks and Rec has been downhill since season 3
Thanks for the middlebrow cultural history lesson.
Downvoted for saying "mea culpa!" Irritating.
Well, I downvoted you for your cunty comment.
Peter Weir is overrated.
Pasolini, Rossellini for two
Noah did it.
No it isn't.
Judaism is also about exterminating all the gentiles. Read your Bible.
There's no way I'm seeing this movie. The Noah story is for three-year-olds, not adults.