rock and roll ape title

You're confused. Comment Ca Va? is from the mid 70s, and Soigne ta droite is from the late 80s.

No, Comment Ca Va? is from the 70s.

Never mind.

I didn't have an argument, thank you very much. Just a blunt statement. Maybe next timeā€¦

Not nice to be condescending to a loyal reader. I just can't comprehend why someone would want to pay extra for a Blu-ray for a 90-year old film. So sue me.

I don't understand the point of wanting to have 1920s films on Blu-ray. Hoping to see the scratches and pops more pristinely?

Chaplin was one of the greatest geniuses of the cinema. There is no competition between him and Keaton and Lloyd. It disgusts me the way people often try to knock Chaplin down a few rungs.

Are you out of your mind? Harold Lloyd is not in the same league as Chaplin. They are not even remotely equals.

Keep waiting.

Have you seen "Tiny Furniture"?

Oh, please shut the fuck up. They may be officially classified as a "nonprofit," but it is painfully obvious that they operate capitalistically.

Don't be stupid.

It's not non-profit. You're fooling yourself. They're making SHITLOADS off merchandise. Plus all the corporate sponsors, etc., etc. Just think for a second next time before you write.

You really think that's funny?

You're goddamn right. Just don't tell that to @avclub-d287ab72140b44071e69e6255b859cec:disqus. You'll make him weep on behalf of Erik Adams.

Right, because a critic's pronounced and repeatedly demonstrated lack of ability to properly gauge the merit of a work has nothing to do - whatsoever - with whether he deserves his job.

I think she sorta sucks for the most part, though I like her in "The Office".

What are you, his lawyer? Stop defending him.

A B for these episodes simply isn't good enough.

No, just an okay film.