rock and roll ape title

More like, there's technically everything wrong with it. It was a bad, bad season.

Problem is, Craig Robnson is a terrible actor and has trouble delivering his lines effectively.

True, but a more accurate list would have included only episodes from seasons 1-5.

I doubt that robinm missed the point. It was extremely obvious. The fact is that "Niagara" is a shit episode, especially the YouTube video spoof. It is the last thing that anyone would have wanted to happen to the Jim and Pam of season 2.

You might want to try booze, or some weed. Something to take the edge off.

Is this some sort of sick joke? Karen was a great character.


No. The vampire plot, while amusing, is too silly for this to be considered a perfect episode. Everything else about it is perfect, though.

Yes, because people don't have patience to sit through 22 minutes of wonky sit-com.

"Stress Relief" was one of the signs of the show's sharp decline in the making. It's funny on its own terms, but too cartoony - and witness the fact that the wild and craziness of the running around in that cold open was used in the intro for at least two of the worst seasons - emblematic of how the show had sharply

No, it doesn't. The second series of the UK "Office" isn't even all that good - not nearly as good as seasons 2-5 of the U.S. brand.

You ought to know that Steve Carell had never seen the UK "Office," and hence was not attempting to reproduce Ricky Gervais's humor note for note.

That's awesome!

It bears repeating: season one was not a train wreck. Watch the episodes again. The pilot isn't very good, sure. But the rest range from good to great. "Diversity Day" and "Basketball" are classics by any measure of the series.

Congratulations, you just picked the WORST episode of season 3 to name as your favorite.

Pam - "Don't fall asleep at your desk!"

@avclub-2f130bae5a3948b1fb3aac9477b4dab2:disqus "Yes 20 years from now my kids won't enjoy it because they won't get the
reference.  They can go fuck themselves, because that was some funny
shit at the time."

I don't like it either. In fact, I sort of hate it.

Your analogy doesn't hold up, Wad, since you skipped the best years of "The Simpsons" - the Mirkin years, season 5 and 6.

season 2 of Parks and Rec is better than season 3