rock and roll ape title

I wouldn't go so far as to say that the pilot is horrible; it is pretty weak. I agree, though, that season one is pretty darn good overall, and I don't understand why it has such a bad reputation. Five of the six episodes, at least, are better than anything in the current season.

"Rock Show" is Parks and Rec's "The Dundies."

I take issue only with "Garage Sale", and then only because of the last two or three minutes, which were just awful.

"At the end of a not-particularly-fruitful arc that only made partial use of Idris Elba’s considerable intimidation faculties…" Excuse me? Michael Scott Paper Company was a tremendously good arc. Erik Adams should be fired for this.


Absolutely agreed on all points, especially the part where you said that Rex Reed sucks donkey dicks.

If you don't like long words, you're on the wrong site.

Beyond his initial introduction, Cletus always struck me as a mean-spirited joke. Blame Oakley and Weinstein, who delighted in taking broad swipes at the rural poor.

Psychotically obsessed…Does that mean that you would, for example, be willing to serial-rape the show's voice actors?

Care to elaborate?

Being an alcoholic isn't necessarily "dark." Sheesh. I've had great times with booze.

There is no such thing as a unified commentariat. If it tends to be that most people hate the latter-day Simpsons, it's because they don't like what they see or hear. Not necessarily falling "in line lock-step." And it does no one, including yourself, any favors to make such assumptions.

Maybe so, kid. Maybe so.

I'd just like to say that anyone who doesn't like this episode is a complete and utter pussy.

Flagged for comparing late Simpsons to late Fellini. How pretentious!

This is not a good comedy. Period. Exclamation point!

That's completely insane. This was awful.

Flagged for liking cartoon "Office."

I'm a "true fan" - in the sense that I loved the show in its prime. It hardly the same show now that it was in season 2-5, and I hate what it has become - but I only have two episodes left. I'm not going to stop now!

Your point being? Think about it carefully before expostulating.