rock and roll ape title

Summaries are boring, bro.

No, it was a very bad episode.

Of course it was, you silly person.

Fair enough, I suppose.

My grandpa was thinking of Frances the Talking Mule.

That's too bad.

Even Myrna Loy? Are you gay?

I would just like to say that O'Neal's headlines are getting duller and duller. How many times is he going to use "because of course there is," or some variant?


@avclub-4890b244b694eb077186da46702d0111:disqus , @The_Primordial_Dr_Zoidberg:disqus  The origin of "The Beatles" is an awesome little story. John Lennon hallucinated a talking pie, who told him that he should call his band The Beatles with an "a", and he did.

Pretty ridiculous, considering MLK's true legacy: softening the most radical impulses of the civil rights movement and keeping it bourgeois-reformist.

Enjoy your forced cornball nostalgia, buddy!

Five years later …
That this stone cold classic episode did not receive an A - only a B - now seems rather absurd, and a good reminder that Donna Bowman is a very poor critic.

I'm with you in sentiment, but for every John Reed there are about 10 million hacky and/or insidious reporters for the bourgeois media.

Yes, yes. Islamic terrorism is awful. But you should be able to get his point: right-wing American terrorism is just as awful.

Good point. And note that Todd deigned not to respond to your well-placed criticism of his provincialism. I think he gets defensive.

I don't know. Has anyone besides you actually heard of that song?


Oh yeah? If you're so smart, what's 52 x 1,387?

False nostalgia and fuzzy memories help no one.