
She is genuinely batshit crazy.  No doubt about that.  And its endearing.  She is a crazy genius.  But she used to be an accessibly crazy genius.

I stand corrected. Those fancy instruments sound like sound effects from an Atari. They don't sound as new, fresh or as groundbreaking as they were hyped up to be. People who didn't read up on the instruments would never know they were supposed to fit into some science motif. The songs should stand in their own.

The end of Thunderbolt sounds like a fart machine. Literally.

Nope. And that's a big surprise

The new instruments all sound like a cheap gimmick. They generally sound like they were either synthesized or are existing instruments. I'll get a lot of crap for that statement from people who will argue about the instruments' "symbolism and meaning, etc." Well, a song shouldn't require an instruction manual, and