Mister Mister

Sadly, I find that guards inaction realistic. There is a mentality of being in a brotherhood among police officers, and I would expect to find a similar sort of one in prison guards. They are locked into a "us vs them" mentality that allows them to overlook incorrect actions by their fellows. It's regrettable that

The only character I felt was "off" in the torture room was Boo, honestly. I do not buy her being nearly that passive, gag on or off. I kept expecting her to wriggle over and attempt to bite through his tendon or something, You're spot on about Alex and Piper though. No matter what Piscatella did, Red's girls would

Yep. And even if he does have developed and clear reasons for how he got how he is, it doesn't mean he would have actions that directly correspond. Sadistic people do all sorts of weird and stupid crap that doesn't make any kind of sense, even to themselves.

Kate Mulgrew in this role really reminds me of my mom, down to the red dye, so I was getting queasy. The forced, brutal head shearing was giving me images of everything from concentration camps to Aslan. IDK, maybe actually being scared by Piscatella's torture shit was why this episode landed for me but not for

"I'm going to confront the 300 lb shaved gorilla who has just clearly committed to murdering someone in cold blood. Wish me luck!"

She was one of the inmates who had defied him previously, by refusing to shower and standing on the table. Piscatella says it's about Red, but it's all about him.

I think his eagerness was more about getting out of Poo than eagerness for action. Given his now established history as a male stripper, he might have some experience in compartmentalizing his true feelings.

I think your analysis of Piscatella's fascination with Red and their shared qualities is very insightful. The control aspect (which i harped on elsewhere) is the core of it I think. Red can control the inmates (her kids anyway) better than he can. I honestly think he wouldn't mind her so much if she was an out and

I must be too dumb for this crowd of watchers, because I completely disagree about the characterization of Piscatella. To me, his motivations and actions make complete sense for the character, and while the previous episode framed his actions in the horror movie schtick (which I agree was hokey as hell) that a person


You make a good point. The person issuing the insult is intending it for the actual person, not their online persona, you are correct. My point, if I can try to clarify, is that the internet is not an appropriate place for kids if it has gotten to the point where they do not have the ability to disengage. With a

I would suppose that it's in how you use it. I don't personally
consider an account on a website to be an offshoot of myself, it's just a
tool I use to interact with other people. It becomes a more personal
thing when your real name is attached to it (Facebook/Twitter) but that
doesn't change the fact that it's not

The internet is serious business sir, I'm sorry you weren't aware of that. I honestly don't understand the vehemence that people are replying to Kenlin with. Is access to social media such an integral part of children's lives now that asking them to separate makes someone a monster? He doesn't come off as uncaring

Gentlemen. We have a time machine. And that is the key to Frylock's health. We can smash it apart, set it on fire, and smoke the cancer out!

The lesson is that the Lord is vengeful!

A-Fucking-Men to the St. Louis gripe. I moved her a year ago and I have had it with these Cardinals-loving-morons. I missed one of my favorite shows and has to wait to watch it on Hulu!

So Mr. Simpson, you admit you touched her can. What do you have to say in your defense?

As another former BB employee I have mixed feelings. On one hand that job blew ass. On the other had it allowed me to become the lover of movies that I am today. I remember seeing Clerks for the first time and wanting to be Randall.

Ok, this is an actual question. What has Paquin been naked in? Links?