Llama cull weekend

Oi, some'un go get ah lorry, th' Viccar fell and 'as an 'edge'og in his ine-us

"Lesson number one: no one likes your doo-doo. It goes somewhere secret or it stays in your butt." I am fucking dying here.

"Hey, this is Mockingbird, need any help with crimes??? No? I'll try you again in a few minutes."

Mine was seminal JCVD-splits-and-butt showcase Time Cop.

I'm afraid to ask, but in what way is Puck a mutant? Thought he was just a shorty with a magical backstory?

How long you been waiting for this long straight piece TELL ME

@avclub-e95a45d0b1f5afdf0ab9cde82b4b1d06:disqus That's the one!

Great story. I saw The Pogues in New York a few years ago. Shane was relatively sober, but he seemed to always have a giant Heineken keg can nearby.

A friend keeps trying to get me to watch Smallville and I agree, 10 seasons is intimidating. Plus it's never listed as "required" TV like, say, Breaking Bad or The Wire, which doesn't help me get excited.

Well he didn't say WHICH 90's.

I'm a sucker for cooking shows and The Taste was just strange. Not surprised to see they ripped off a lot of reality show gimmicks.

I know he let himself go as governor, can't blame him, I just figured afterwards he'd start mainlining whatever drug cocktail Sly has been using lately.

So like is Arnold buff again now or…? *stares wistfully at the thousands and thousands of pinups of oiled musclemen shellacked into a crude structure that I call my home*

Yeah for real. We did it all at once too like a bunch of fresh idiots instead of spreading it out throughout the day.

Yeah for real. We did it all at once too like a bunch of fresh idiots instead of spreading it out throughout the day.

That soup sounds ape-tits.

That soup sounds ape-tits.

This whole cuisine thing will pass in a few months once middle-America gets a hold of it, then it'll be back good old fashioned vitamins and exactly 2000 calories of beet sugar a day.

This whole cuisine thing will pass in a few months once middle-America gets a hold of it, then it'll be back good old fashioned vitamins and exactly 2000 calories of beet sugar a day.

He did that a few years ago, maybe he just has a case of the grumpies!