Llama cull weekend

Womprats and nerfs, living together.

And yet he's out there somewhere. Alive. It's amazing.

And yet he's out there somewhere. Alive. It's amazing.

Why do a thing for charity when you could do a thing for not charity

Why do a thing for charity when you could do a thing for not charity

I chuckled at first because I thought this was an amateur parody.

I chuckled at first because I thought this was an amateur parody.

That reminds me of reading about corn jelly, where you boil corn cobs, make jelly out of the water, and it's supposed to taste a bit like honey.

That reminds me of reading about corn jelly, where you boil corn cobs, make jelly out of the water, and it's supposed to taste a bit like honey.

Hello I am Star Wars Junior and I am going to be a big strong robot like my pop

Hello I am Star Wars Junior and I am going to be a big strong robot like my pop

but in all seriousness that Li'l Markie shit is amazing

but in all seriousness that Li'l Markie shit is amazing

They keep playing "Monster Mash" on the radio and I can't sleep a wink

They keep playing "Monster Mash" on the radio and I can't sleep a wink

His comic re-captioning updates are a little boring, but I make a point to read the rest of his stuff there, the dude is still hilarious.

His comic re-captioning updates are a little boring, but I make a point to read the rest of his stuff there, the dude is still hilarious.

@WrongSirWrong:disqus I heard the puppet just looked a little retarded and they decided to go with it. But also that Matt Damon thinks the whole thing is hilarious.

@WrongSirWrong:disqus I heard the puppet just looked a little retarded and they decided to go with it. But also that Matt Damon thinks the whole thing is hilarious.

I used to insist on it just because they bottled in my hometown. Now they downgraded it to a distribution center to it's nothing but pure Rumple Minze for me from now on.