Llama cull weekend

They should embrace the late season gimmicks right away anyways to keep on theme like a floating can of PBR that grants wishes

Genesis says we get domain over the beasts of the field does it not I'm not being lustful at the petting zoo I'm all business

Genesis says we get domain over the beasts of the field does it not I'm not being lustful at the petting zoo I'm all business

@avclub-62812d8eb06386505986efff8b5e43ac:disqus boy you must have never met my youngest she's a real tech wizard! They have such an intuitive understanding of this stuff! *kid makes toast in toaster* Wow look at her go

@avclub-62812d8eb06386505986efff8b5e43ac:disqus boy you must have never met my youngest she's a real tech wizard! They have such an intuitive understanding of this stuff! *kid makes toast in toaster* Wow look at her go

"MacGyver…," whispered in a revelatory fashion in my house

"MacGyver…," whispered in a revelatory fashion in my house

He shook himself professionally, his time in the can was personal time.

He shook himself professionally, his time in the can was personal time.

No thanks, everyone is going to assume I bought the underwear then peed on them.

No thanks, everyone is going to assume I bought the underwear then peed on them.

Sounds like a Japanese tourist trying to explain getting flashed to the police.

Sounds like a Japanese tourist trying to explain getting flashed to the police.

Besides what @avclub-94e005c18b383d12a8924d5d1367610d:disqus  said I got: The latter day Kickboxer guy played the role of Poochie as a dude who lived in a van in their driveway. Also in one episode they had absolutely uncanny live action versions of Beavis and Butthead. The beginning amusement park footage seemed to

Besides what @avclub-94e005c18b383d12a8924d5d1367610d:disqus  said I got: The latter day Kickboxer guy played the role of Poochie as a dude who lived in a van in their driveway. Also in one episode they had absolutely uncanny live action versions of Beavis and Butthead. The beginning amusement park footage seemed to

It's always nice to know some cartoon I half-remember wasn't a fever dream. "We're all about helping kids!" said the multi-millionaires as they beat up a dude.

It's always nice to know some cartoon I half-remember wasn't a fever dream. "We're all about helping kids!" said the multi-millionaires as they beat up a dude.

My favorite was something like B-Rock "The Islamic Shock" Super-Allah Hussein Obama.

My favorite was something like B-Rock "The Islamic Shock" Super-Allah Hussein Obama.

Who needs 'em? Everyone can just turn their basement into a mushroom pit like me