Llama cull weekend

Who needs 'em? Everyone can just turn their basement into a mushroom pit like me

Picked her up at a club once when I was wearing a beaver fur hat. Almost sealed the deal until she noticed I had jug milk in the fridge.

Picked her up at a club once when I was wearing a beaver fur hat. Almost sealed the deal until she noticed I had jug milk in the fridge.

I walked out of 7-11 with a Slurpee because I thought my brother paid for it. I haven't stopped crying since.

I walked out of 7-11 with a Slurpee because I thought my brother paid for it. I haven't stopped crying since.

Also the baby from the Nevermind album cover is an adult now.

When this recession is over Obama deserves at least credit for sending
gun and ammo sales through the roof by his mere presence in the White

When this recession is over Obama deserves at least credit for sending
gun and ammo sales through the roof by his mere presence in the White

LOLing thinking about someone dressed as Batman worrying if they should bring along their mandatory gun or not.

LOLing thinking about someone dressed as Batman worrying if they should bring along their mandatory gun or not.

edit: of this pageantry?

edit: of this pageantry?

edit: have I missed the point?

edit: have I missed the point?

All spelling I'M A SPECIAL BOY out in cursive with syrup at their morning waffle bar. Hell do that at Denny's too.

All spelling I'M A SPECIAL BOY out in cursive with syrup at their morning waffle bar. Hell do that at Denny's too.

Trying to decide if you're a Rich Uncle Pennybags like figure that hasn't been in a supermarket for years or if you've shed your corporal body and live a life of pure intellect and meditation divorced from base physical needs.

Trying to decide if you're a Rich Uncle Pennybags like figure that hasn't been in a supermarket for years or if you've shed your corporal body and live a life of pure intellect and meditation divorced from base physical needs.

The Karate Dog was in early talks but can't stay off the pipe

The Karate Dog was in early talks but can't stay off the pipe