Llama cull weekend

I got the latest dumb teenager at the ticket counter convinced I am Adolphus Q. Regal Entertainment Group IV so I see the movies for free with a free small popcorn (don't get greedy and ask for a large, your family didn't build your empire up from doing shadow puppets on the sides of beer barrels in Prohibition

Did anyone ever read that Vertigo Kid Eternity title? It was like a parody of gritty reboots. The old sea captain that raised Kid? A PEDOPHILE! Those dead people he summons back to life and his angel guardian? They are DEMONS FROM HELLCHAOS! The whole thing followed around a stand up comedian that wasn't funny and

Did anyone ever read that Vertigo Kid Eternity title? It was like a parody of gritty reboots. The old sea captain that raised Kid? A PEDOPHILE! Those dead people he summons back to life and his angel guardian? They are DEMONS FROM HELLCHAOS! The whole thing followed around a stand up comedian that wasn't funny and

I will never get over that man's skull, literally and figuratively.

I will never get over that man's skull, literally and figuratively.

Just checked imdb and would you believe none of these movies made money?

Just checked imdb and would you believe none of these movies made money?

And the less said about his helmet and weapon choice, the better.

And the less said about his helmet and weapon choice, the better.

I love how they double-downed on the "send fantasy characters to modern day to save money!" concept with Beastmaster 2.

I love how they double-downed on the "send fantasy characters to modern day to save money!" concept with Beastmaster 2.

*opens up a manilla envelope labeled FISTO JOKES, clears throat*

*opens up a manilla envelope labeled FISTO JOKES, clears throat*

Not, "what are you directing?" But, "what are you directing… for?"

Not, "what are you directing?" But, "what are you directing… for?"

Roger Ebert wrote an op-ed piece about the shooting and shared an anecdote where someone at a bar showed Ebert and his friend his pistol. "I live in an unsafe neighborhood." Ebert's friend then said, "It'd be safer if you moved."

I agree, but I'm more bothered by the 100-round drum he had for his rifle. If you need 100 bullets to defend yourself maybe you're in over your head. And don't shoot 100 deer, that's wasteful.

Too true. Mental healthcare in this country is a joke, even the insured have to pay a lot out of pocket or go to the emergency room. Also I don't expect any gun laws to change since it's an election year and a lot of idiots are one-issue voters over that topic.

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