Llama cull weekend

@Gjetostbuster:disqus Some people have a lot harder time never forgetting than the rest of us and need unusual help. Personally I always ask that at hotels they include a basic synopsis of the attacks with my wake up call.

Yeah his war stories from the post-comedy boom years are great.

Yeah his war stories from the post-comedy boom years are great.

A pigeon is going knock a Danish out of your hand one day. As you bend over to pick it up, a truck is going to barrel through a stop light and into the crosswalk you were about to use, then hit a car waiting to turn. The driver was drunk, but everyone survived.

A pigeon is going knock a Danish out of your hand one day. As you bend over to pick it up, a truck is going to barrel through a stop light and into the crosswalk you were about to use, then hit a car waiting to turn. The driver was drunk, but everyone survived.

Please your man with veganism! Ugh.

Please your man with veganism! Ugh.

Agreed. That was so great, the comedy magician bit. His book has a great long annecdote about a hellish week he spent at a suburban Vancouver comedy club.

Agreed. That was so great, the comedy magician bit. His book has a great long annecdote about a hellish week he spent at a suburban Vancouver comedy club.

Figures, I never did the math or anything. Going to have to fall back on A Wizard Did It now.

Figures, I never did the math or anything. Going to have to fall back on A Wizard Did It now.

Diving headfirst into a man's asshole is a lot easier with speed, and that means you're greased and you're minimizing wind resistance. Have you even looked at the required reading?

Diving headfirst into a man's asshole is a lot easier with speed, and that means you're greased and you're minimizing wind resistance. Have you even looked at the required reading?

But wouldn't a lack of gravity just make him a really good jumper and not someone who could fly around doing loop-de-loops?

But wouldn't a lack of gravity just make him a really good jumper and not someone who could fly around doing loop-de-loops?

My personal favorite rationalization for catching up with falling people is that the catch-ee is splayed out creating greater wind resistance whereas the catcher is doing everything to minimize wind resistance and become a greased Greg Louganis sex torpedo. But I don't remember the scene you're talking about.

My personal favorite rationalization for catching up with falling people is that the catch-ee is splayed out creating greater wind resistance whereas the catcher is doing everything to minimize wind resistance and become a greased Greg Louganis sex torpedo. But I don't remember the scene you're talking about.

Aw yes my favorite kind of Nerd Problem: the complete willing suspension of disbelief except for one meaningless detail.  Nevermind that he has a literal Martian on speed dial, his feet would be hurted from his hang glider stunt.

Aw yes my favorite kind of Nerd Problem: the complete willing suspension of disbelief except for one meaningless detail.  Nevermind that he has a literal Martian on speed dial, his feet would be hurted from his hang glider stunt.

Adore was an film score within a movie within an album within an album.